Chapter 12 | How Pathetic

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"Out," I said, my smile not reaching my eyes, "Now."

They looked at me like I was some type of monster and scrambled out.

I sat down, putting myself on my original pose. I sank my chin deeper to my palm, boredom consuming me.

My classmates are watching me like hawks but I honestly don't give a damn.

"Uh, Yasu?"

I hummed, not moving my gaze from my notebook, and continued scribbling something that came out straight from a horror movie.

I intended to draw a cat though.

"You looked cool," Momo's voice was laced with slight envy and admiration, "And, I'm sorry for troubling you again..."

I made a 'shh' sound, making her shut her mouth instantly.

"Stop giving me apologies." I simply muttered, ripping the drawing apart, "Maybe you can try and defend yourself, I'd appreciate that more."

She paused and looked down, a sad smile that looked insulting carved on her doll-like face.

"You know I'm not able to do that..."

I threw her a mocking glance, she caught that.

"Sure, Momo." I said, uninterested. "Whatever floats your boat."

I'll let her know in the future.

Momo jumped off her seat a little, my eyes widened a bit.

She sneezed.

"Are you okay?"

She gave a sheepish smile, "Yeah."

That I won't be with her the moment she finds a match.


I blinked once, and it was the end of our grade.

"Yasu," Momo excitedly tugged my sleeve, telling me to go to our class, "Class photo, hurry!"

I dazed, my jaw on the floor.

Time... really do passes without you knowing.

What did I eat for my birthday? I think it was spaghetti and fruit cake...


"Ah? Yes?"

She chuckled, "You look like an idiot, you've been staring blankly at nowhere for quite some time now."

I hummed, aware that I can be a bit of a dumbass sometimes.

"But that's not the point, let's go to class!" She dragged me and explained everything about the class photo-shoot despite me not paying attention while running, "We can't miss out!"


It was a very quick process to day the least, and I didn't listen to the cameramen's order to smile.

My deadpan face shall be my own iconic look.

A classmate asked to take a picture using his polaroid, and the teacher immediately said yes.

"Pfft-" A classmate of mine laughed when the polaroids came out, "What's up with that expression?"

Momo laughed merrily.

I smiled slightly, excusing myself and went out of the crowd. I looked down and didn't see the corner.

"Ah-" I bumped into somebody, "Sorry."

"No worries-"

She stopped, and I lifted my head to see the person since she ended her sentence abruptly.

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