Chapter 3 | Out Loud

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I got a very surprising amount of letters in the mailbox. When I came home, it was even too full that it almost collapsed.

Sorry, I exaggerated it.

The mailbox isn't even that big and it's attached to the wall.

Can't really blame my joy, can you? A side character like me to have that many letters? What a bliss.

I waved goodbye to Momo who lives right in front of me and hurriedly went inside.

"I'm home!"

I saw my mother from the corner of my eye, I could smell curry.

Bless her cooking skills, such a refine dish could only be served when she's in a good mood.

"Did you take the letters in the box?"

"Yeah," The happiness in my voice must have slipped through, she chuckled at the sight of my flailing arms. "All of it was addressed to me!"

"That's great," She pats my head, I jokingly avoided it, "You can rest. Come down when dinner's ready."

I hummed, running up to my room. Leaving the letters in the drawer to read them later.

I gently put my bag beside my bed and plop on the fluffy sheets.

"This is nice..."

I stood up abruptly, even the monster under my bed was startled. 

I have to resist the temptation of drifting to wonderland.

If I lay down right now, I will most definitely sleep.


I slept.

Oh, but only after I showered. Unlike brother, I prioritize my cleanliness.

"It's still evening..." One of the advantages of being an elementary student during the first few grades is the free time acquired.

Brother still has that advantage but he chooses to stay at school with his friends. Shockingly, he has his own group of friends.

Here I am, still have no one.

It's been a year since we've been in the school, we're already at our second grade.

The school changes our classmates every year so I had to lose some close acquaintances that I manage to have last year.

Yes, acquaintances, not an actual friend.

Anyways, I was a bit afraid with the new people in the class, I'm still unfamiliar with them.

Mother said it's fine if I don't make friends for the first few months, it takes time to get familiar with them.

I kept a positive mindset, after all, I have nothing to fear.

...except for the wrath of love interests.

Good thing we're still children. And so far, no love interests is spotted by my line of sight.

"Come to think of it..." I mumbled, trying to remember what Momo did during her day. We weren't placed in different classrooms because luck is on her side, she will probably stick with me throughout elementary and middle school perhaps? Anyways, heroines have that power so she at least has me by her side.

I could be labelled as Heroine's Bullies Repellent.

In all honesty, I just don't want her to achieve the position of taking the hatred of any rich kids.

I tried dragging my heart and mind to get me off my bed. I slowly rolled to the side, falling into a safe distance between my bed and the floor.

I staggered on the way to reach the doorknob, I twisted and it softly clicked as I casually open it wide.

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