Special Chapter | Fluttered

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New Year Special Chapter: Suzuki Momo POV

I look forward for every single year.

I'd stay up until midnight on new year's eve purely because I wanted to be the first to send a message.

I was a bit more diligent before, even going as far to writing letters for each and every person I ever had.

Some loved it, some was pretty neutral, while others...

I don't like to recall it. It still hurts me a bit.

I have already came to a realization that not everyone likes me, and it's fair, who would like someone as timid as me?

Even Yasu finds me annoying from time to time.

I'm... quite glad she doesn't voice it but I know I'm a bit troublesome.

It's evident, it's clear how in a way, I'm left out.

But what exactly can I do?

Nothing, really.

I can't even stand up for myself. The fact Yasu even bothered to stay with even after years is already a miracle.

I can stay quiet, I can do that at least.

Although... I'm getting a bit tired.

I wish time passes faster, so that I can become a responsible person, a reliable adult.

At the same time, I don't want to.

I like it, but I hate it.

What kind of relationship is this? It feels like I'm constantly contradicting myself.

This is just a wishful thinking but... I hope, someone will push me out of my bubble.

Yasu is trying, but it's not working. I can't push myself too.

Someone... that could possibly help me.


I wonder if it will ever come. But I'm willing to wait.



I tilted my head, only to meet Yasu's enthusiastic gaze.

"Yeah!" Her eyes seemed like it was sparkling, I've never seen her this excited before. "For this year, can we?"

I was in Yasu's house, they kindly invited me like how they always did. I think it's pity, since mother never celebrate it ever since father left.

This year too, I'm alone.

The Watanabe household are like angels, I'm jealous.

Me too, I want to have a normal new years.


She waved her hand, I lightly jolt in surprise.

"Daydreaming again?" She grinned, "This's not good, Momo. Let's live in the real world before going off to your wonderland."

I blushed, knowing how she has seen all sorts of fictional comics I made from my imagination.

"I'm not thinking of anything weird this time, I swear." I retorted, feeling the need to defend myself. "Just... lost in thoughts."

She hummed, perhaps acknowledging?

"Putting that aside, did you hear what I was talking about?"

I pursed my lips into a thin line as she sighed before chuckling. I puffed my cheeks, knowing that she's teasing me.

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