chapter 8

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“We decided, that since its Alexis’ first tour, and since you are doing two duets together, that it’d be best if you did the tour together.”

“C-come again?” I choked out.

“We’re going on tour together.” Austin, who was now closer to me than he was a few seconds ago, said.

“Uhuh. So exactly how many duets are we doing together?” I asked.

“Well you will write two songs together. And then the other duets will all be covers. Except we probably will not record those. The reason we recorded this on is because we wanted to see how the two of your voices sounded together. Plus considering how many fans Austin has, we figured it would be a good way for you to get a bigger fan base.” Our manager explained.

“Sounds good to me.” Austin said. I looked over and saw that he looked very happy about this situation. Don’t get me wrong or anything, I was totally excited and very happy to be going on tour with him, but at the same time I was completely dreading it. I mean this guy is my first love; the only one I could ever love; the one who broke my heart. And no matter how much I tried, I couldn’t stop loving him. I still thought about him and still had flashbacks every now and then. If I spent time with him on the tour bus then I would give in and fall for him all over again.

“Okay.” I finally said. Despite what I had just thought, I wasn’t going to let this get to me. I was not going to fall for him. No matter what. Even if he did have the perfect hair. Even if he did have a gorgeous smile. And eyes that made you melt. And how when he talked and- no stop. Ugh. This was gonna be a lot harder than I thought.

“Okay so now that that’s settled why don’t each of you record another song? And we’ll call it a day. Tomorrow we will record the song you two will write tonight.”

“So basically we have to write the song tonight?” Austin asked.

“Pretty much.” Dave said.

“It shouldn’t be that hard. Both of you are such good writers and are so talented.” His mom said.

“So who wants to record first?” our manager said.

“Actually I’m really hungry and I was wondering if we could take a lunch break?” Austin said.

“Yeah okay and when we get back Alexis can record first.” He said.

“Okay sounds good.” I nodded. I grabbed my bag and walked to the parking lot towards my car.

“Alexis wait!” I turned around and saw Austin running. When he caught up I waited for his breathing to even out before talking.

“What?” I asked.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go to lunch together. You know, to catch up or work on the song.” I thought for a minute before answering.

“Yeah sure. Why not.” I said. Once we were in the car I turned on the radio.

“Say something. If you’re feeling the vibe. Say something baby don’t be so shy.” I smiled at the familiar tune and sang along. I felt Austin watching me so I turned to look at him.


“Nothing. It just made me smile that you knew my song. And I’ve never heard you sing before. Other than the radio I mean.”

“oh okay. So where are we going to eat?”

“Well the only good food there is around here is panda express so I figured we’d go there.” He said.

Best Friends That Fell In Love (An Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat