The Eyes of the Prince

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Adrenaline rushed through you as you ran without looking back at the loud sound of quick footsteps right behind you screaming your name. Life is difficult as a woman for just existing, but why couldn't people just leave you alone when all you want to do is just live your life in peace as you please? Is it too much to ask? The psycho running behind you is trying to kill you with his baseball bat simply because you rejected him when he confessed his feelings for you.

One day, you were ordering some street food to eat on the go for your lunch only to be interrupted by a coworker of yours–James–confessing their feelings to you, making the crowd around you in the streets go wild. Without consideration for your own feelings, everyone around you was expecting you to already accept the man who poured out his heart for you. The only thing that came to your mind was how to get out of this situation without it going downhill fast. A crowd comes with a crowd mentality. A group will force themselves to think together and feel as if they all belong.

Something inside of you told you to get out of there as fast as you can, so you told your coworker to give you some time to think it over. He frowned at your answer, but agreed to let you be for today.

"Please call me," he said. He offered to give you a gift he bought from a store around here and it's a cute plushie of a starfish. James was a big fan of marine life and he did have a dream of being a marine biologist, but that dream was crushed instantly when life decided to be realistic and gave him an office job as a data entry clerk where he looks at spreadsheets all day long. Life hit you the same way when you dreamt of becoming a fashion designer and no one really was interested in your designs.

As the two of you became friends in the office for sharing similar sob stories, James must have developed feelings for you since then. However, to you, it was just friendship and it more so appeared as two puppies licking each others' wounds rather than two love birds singing their sorrows.

"What do you mean, 'no'?! I would always greet you everyday at work in the morning! We would talk about how our day went so far and share some coffee in the morning! We would help each other with our work! I even gave you a gift! What isn't enough for you?!" James was livid at your rejection as you gave him such a response on the phone within the comforts of your own home. You didn't buy this home, but you inherited this small little home from your parents after their passing a few years ago from a car accident. Ever since then, you've lived alone since you were an only child and didn't have much intention to bring someone else into your life at the moment. Sometimes it was because you felt you weren't ready. Other times, you felt it was that others weren't either.

James was a prime example of someone who really isn't ready for relationships yet.

Fast forward to the same night, you heard a loud sound of glass breaking in your house and immediately sprung up from your bed and grabbed your phone and taser. You heard the intruder scream your name and you instantly knew it was James from the sound of his voice. Why the hell is he doing this and how do you get out of this situation safely?

You immediately dialed the number for the first responders and hoped the police would get to you quickly. You screamed for them to keep you on the line so they could know exactly where you are at all times in case you were not at the same place from the start of the call. James was already chasing you towards your room and you decided not to hide but to run by jumping out of your window and telling the operator that you left.

You paid attention to your surroundings and made sure to tell the operator what street names you've crossed as you ran. Your stamina was quickly depleting since you weren't really athletic, but James wasn't athletic much either. The chase started off quick and desperate, then it turned into a sad display of two people who should be in their prime feeling as if they are old.

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