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After you received your first vision from your passive skill Eyes of the Prophet, you saw Countess Alberet hanging from the ceiling of her room with Sir Daphnie as a possible perpetrator. You scrambled to find both Maeus and Cirrus for help, but Maeus was attending to political matters during the banquet along with His Majesty the Emperor and Cirrus was... well, stuffing himself with some meat at the tables with other mages. As an Earthling, it's in your nature to feel a little guilty about bothering someone when they are busy and you can't really get used to how Valtorians don't really feel anything while bothering someone doing something important–or even just anything at all.

On the thrones, you saw Her Majesty the Empress sitting alone watching the guests mingle with each other and her guard Sir Elyot standing near her. You approached her quickly and bowed in greeting to the Empress. She allowed you to approach her and you came close to whisper in her ear.

"Is there something troubling you? What?! The Countess? Your skill foresaw her death? Did your vision show a way to stop this from happening?" The Empress whispered back to you while trying to keep the best stoic face as much as possible, "Yes... That was a rumor many years ago... Come, it's best to speak in private about this... You wouldn't want any vultures here to listen in on something so important."

She stood up and turned to her personal guard.

"We would like to speak somewhere private, come with us to guard the door," She commanded quietly.

The guard saluted gently and began to follow the both of you. There were a few people who planned to approach you since you were alone, but the moment they saw you approach the Empress, they decided not to and to wait until whatever was happening was over. There was a bit of gossip wondering what the two of you were going to talk about. One of the ladies tried to follow in for juicy gossip, but was immediately spotted by Sir Elyot and was told to remain in the banquet hall. Dejected, she turned around.

Both you and the Empress left the banquet hall and into a guest's resting room.


You discussed what was going on in great detail of what you saw in your vision and the Empress looked a little sad.

"There was a rumor many years ago that Countess Alberet had drugged and assaulted Sir Daphnie's brother to have a child since people had suspected that she was sterile. They were unable to be pregnant with a child for quite some time during their marriage and she finally was pregnant with a son not too long after the scandal with said brother... That rumor was forgotten a long time ago... To think it would be brought back up again with this ending and this kind of relevance."

A maid came in with water in tea cups and banana cookies with honey rather than sugar. She bowed after serving and promptly left without saying a word. The Empress didn't order anything different from you so as to not make you feel left out from your forced diet to combat the mana in the air. You were touched as this may be the best anyone can do for drinks and something sweet. The Empress noticed during meal times that you were feeling unhappy with being unable to eat what you want. You complained that it made you feel like you were having a vegan diet.

These banana cookies may be your saving grace and The Empress will ask for more sweets recipes that do not involve sugar and only uses natural sugars from fruits and vegetables with honey so you can eat something sweet.

"There must be a way to save her. The Countess is an outstanding woman and losing her would be a big blow to the social world of the nobles. You mentioned a woman with short brown hair being possessed in your vision; we can already assume that is Sir Daphnie and the possession is certain to be a demoguine. There are demoguines that do not have their own physical form. However, they are more rare specifically because they have no form. Most demoguines have their own physical form. In order to prepare ourselves against this kind of demoguine, we need weapons that were forged to fight them..." She sighed.

Oh, my Emperor! (Yandere Emperor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now