A Failure

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Maeus was sobbing above you, holding you in his arms and rocking back and forth. How was anyone to know the dark lord would come here himself and kill you where you stood? He felt heavy heartache and uselessness. The dark lord was here and he got what he wanted and left. The demoguine lord and his subordinates didn't even spare him or anyone else here a single glance.

Like trash. He was viewed as trash. If there was one thing Maeus hated, it was being ignored. However, what's more important was you. No pulse could be felt and you were losing tons of blood from the hole from your chest.

"N-no... not like this..." The Countess walked over and fell to her knees in front of your lifeless form. To her, you were like a daughter to her. She dressed you in pretty dresses and accessories, she taught you noble knowledge, she taught you how to dance... For the first time in years, Aurore shed tears. Her husband held her shoulders and whispered to have her get back inside for her own safety. The knights that were assisting the fight took off their helmets and shut their eyes tight.

Was this it? Their hope that humanity in Valtoria waited so long just disappeared? The light at the end of the tunnel they prayed for was now dimmed and Maeus was barking orders around for medics to help you.

In fact, this was the worst way to go. Your possible last moments were of having a conversation of how you were dissatisfied with some of his actions and this made him realize how useless he was.

He lifted you up in his arms and ran, looking for Uulia.

Cirrus was sprinting towards the county at full speed, but apparently not fast enough to arrive sooner to save you. He landed in front of Maeus and his eyes landed on your bloody body. His eyes widened and his heart fell to his stomach.

What the hell was he doing while you were in danger?! The air around him felt hotter and Maeus commanded him to calm down. You were still not used to the mana in the air yet, but you were improving. Let's not make that worse.

"Your highness, please hand her to me. I'll fly to the hospital!" Cirrus held his arms out and quickly flew at full power the moment the prince put you in the mage's arms.

A drop of sweat trailed down his face as he used his pyro magic to boost his speed. He eyed his amount of mana to make sure he wasn't in the sky if he ran out. Certainly can't risk the both of you getting carried to the hospital.

Once he landed at the entrance to the hospital, Cirrus ran in and alerted the front desk to call for Uulia. The nurses yelped after seeing Cirrus's bloody robes. They all ran and got to work.

Your body was laid down on the operating table. This was a wound that needed the help of both magic and medicine. Right after the dark lord pierced your chest with his arm, he placed a curse that trapped your heart from pulsating. Somehow you were still alive, but you had no pulse. The hit was supposed to do the job of killing you, but perhaps your Saintess status kept you alive through one of your skills.

"Where is she?!" A loud angry booming voice echoed in the hospital. An old man with a mage's robe stomped through the room and examined you. He had thick eyebrows and a short beard. He was also more muscular and taller than everyone else in the room.

"A high level curse... Bastard got her good. Somehow, she's still alive," The old man readied his magic.

Maeus looked disheveled. His clothes were still covered in your blood, his eyes dark and his hair messy. Cirrus waited in a corner of the room, watching the old man known as Kogast work his magic. He used his insight on him.



Base level: 55

Job: Mage

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