To eat, to learn, to survive

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It was a miracle that you were even able to sleep at all with all the trouble you are having with breathing. The air around you were as if it were toxic. It wasn't enough to make you cry per say, but enough that it bothers you as if something was sitting on top of your chest—not too heavy, but not necessarily light either. Your curiosity asked you how fragile and sensitive beings such as babies even breathe in this air without dying.

"They also have a bit of mana in them from their parents and they are born here on this planet, so their natural adaptability of mana should be much better than yours," Uulia replied. Luckily, it didn't hinder you from walking, but it hindered you from being able to eat the things you wanted. Your meals tended to consist of vegetables and a bit of fruit and meat, etc. The percentage probably looks like 90% vegetables and grains, 5% fruit, 4% dairy, 1% meat, 0% sweets.

You were craving to eat meat and sweets like cookies and sighed about all the times when you were picky about the foods you ate back at Earth. The moment you were unable to eat it, the more you are now craving to eat more.

You left your room with Uulia walking behind you and greeted Maeus in the dining room along with the current Emperor and Empress of the empire. From others' perspective right now, you are the envy of all people in this empire. In your perspective, you would rather eat alone like you do everyday in your room. However, to voice this out could possibly incur the wrath of people who support their leaders and have pride in their nationality.

For the sake of a peaceful stay, you curtsied and greeted the three of them in correct order as you were taught: the Emperor first, the Empress next, and then his imperial highness third.

Yesterday, you were overloaded with new information on how to live gracefully in this empire. You reluctantly agreed since running away means you'd have a hard time surviving on your own. As a city woman, your chances of survival outside the city are little to none. You don't even know how to build a fire or to properly filter water to drink. How will you gather food?

As much as you would like to deny, you wouldn't survive out there in an unknown world where you are having trouble breathing in. Seeing things from books, videos, etc are different compared to actually doing them yourself.

"When greeting, you must greet the most powerful person first. If you greet someone else first, the most powerful person will believe that you are insulting them by ignoring their presence. You must curtsey like this," your new teacher, Countess Aurore Alberet from the Count family of Alberet was assigned to be your mentor to teach you things about Valtoria. From the history of the world and empire to the gracefulness of a lady. Maeus assigned her to teach you; he also hired Cirrus to be your teacher in magic. Cirrus agreed quite quickly over how curious he was about your magical capabilities.

"Please sit," The Emperor greeted you and permitted you to sit. You were relieved to see that he accepted your greeting and hoped it wasn't sloppy. Sloppiness means that your teacher may also be punished if you were as well.

One of the servants pulled out a chair from the middle of the long dining table as if this were rehearsed for any guest who enters. You took your seat and the seat was pushed in. The food was bought out to you after they asked how your stay was and what you learned so far under the Viscountess on your first day of learning.

You looked at your plate and saw a salad with mainly green leaf lettuce, carrots, cherry tomatoes, red onions, flax seeds, with a small bottle of walnut oil to pour in the salad as much as you want. To the side, a small loaf of bread and a bread knife. For drinks, only water would be given to you. This makes you internally scream as you cannot even take a sip of coffee or tea.

The imperial family did look a bit embarrassed, but your health mattered the most. A meal served to a guest without meat is considered an act of looking down upon them, however, you were unable to eat much meat without fainting. If you ate more than one slice of meat, you would go dizzy, your vision would spin, and you would faint right after vomiting.

Maeus came over to help encourage you. He grabbed a small, tiny bowl that was even smaller than a rice bowl and put some grapes for you to eat. He sliced two slices from your bread and spread a thin layer of butter on your bread slices for you.

"I apologize for the meal, but it is all your body can handle perhaps for the next few months. Dr. Uulia's orders," he placed the bowl near your loaf of bread and held your hand.

Lately, you noticed that the imperial prince was getting too close for comfort lately and had been watching you closely. What you eat, what you wear, what you learn, are all overseen by him. You didn't like how he was a bit controlling of your life, but you don't have much of a say at the moment. You planned on bringing it up when the time was right.

"After your meal, you'll have your first magic lesson with Cirrus and about the brief history of magic here at Valtoria. Since you are the element of the moon, it may be hard since both the Saintess's element and Cirrus's elements are different. However, Cirrus is a genius. I'm sure he'll think of something," Maeus smiled, "If you need any assistance, please don't hesitate to come to me."

Oh, my Emperor! (Yandere Emperor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now