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While Maeus had sent Cirrus on reconnaissance duty on Daphnie, the two of you were already within the Alberet's residence. Rather than words being exchanged, the whole room was silent. Neither Count nor Countess wanted to speak up until a servant came in with snacks and tea. The two of them know what you were coming for, but they were nervous about the outcome. This made you suspect there was something the two of them were hiding from you that could incriminate them both.

"So... how are your Saintess duties going, Your Holiness?" The Countess breaks the silence. You could imagine them sweating bullets. Your response was mostly vague but true: most of your work since you started was healing soldiers either during practice or coming back from defending the Empire's border from the demoguines.

During your first job, you were sent to the occupied infirmary near the border and all you could see were doctors and nurses trying their best with the injured soldiers. The weaker demoguines attacked the border and they were sent to defend their Empire. Despite them being weaker ones, they usually outnumber soldiers and they can only be killed when their heads are cut off. Other than that, they'll go back to their Lord and get healed. Dr. Uulia was dealing with the heavily injured first before moving onto those with the smaller wounds. Dark circles could be seen under her eyes.

A gold and white light could be seen from one corner of the room: you were healing someone with a missing leg. You didn't know him well, but you've seen him as part of a Duke's army. He was a commoner who worked hard to get to where he is today in order to feed his family. With a leg like this, he'd be out of work for the rest of his life. Despite knowing this, a smile never left his face.

This touched your soft side and you used your healing magic for the first time, not knowing how much it'll accomplish. Your skill was level infinity so it has to make some impact, right?

Though it was slow, the bones of the leg started to grow back in its place. Then, the nerves, muscles, and now the skin, nails, and hair. The leg returned back as if the limb was never gone. The soldier who then bowed his head to the ground in front of you introduced himself as Hervi. He was still smiling as he was bowing, but tears were falling from his face. This was your first encounter with the famous Smile Knight.

Coming out of your flashback daydream, you asked if you could be provided DNA of both the Count and his son without holding back. This rumor has become too serious and you were most afraid of it affecting the life of the child. Of course, the two of them rejected. To reject this many times despite knowing it'll benefit them is much too strange. You decided then that you would be honest with them at why you were so insistent on getting their approval.

"No... My Aurore..." The Count and Countess looked at each other. At first they thought that you only wanted to dispel rumors, but since demoguines were involved, this is another matter entirely. Without hesitation, the Count agrees to the DNA test in one condition: that whatever result you see, you will not reveal it in public unless otherwise. Sounds fair enough.

The Countess looked at her husband with worry. She was dejected and her head hung low.

The Count finally provided you with his DNA and his son's.

Without wasting any time, Maeus sent a messenger bird using a blue necklace to command it: a medium-sized black and blue crow-like bird with a bag strapped onto it–for Dr. Uulia's eyes only.


After the tea and snacks, you and Maeus were touring the Alberet household's garden. They were mainly famous for their garden parties as the Countess loved gardening. You decided to walk alone in the garden as the Prince was speaking to the Count, trying to convince him further.

In the middle of the garden, you ran into a young boy playing with the butterflies. There were servants watching over him in case he got hurt or lost.

You thought maybe it was a good time to try to get close to the young boy and get to know him better. Once he saw you, he instantly knew who you were and bowed to you as well as all the nearby servants who followed suit. You waved your arms to let them know that it's okay to lift their heads.

The young boy looked much like the Countess: blue eyes with blonde hair. A contrast to the boy's father who has brown hair and brown eyes.

"I am Sibbi, son of the County of Alberet."

You gave him a smile and asked what he was doing.

"I like butterflies," he giggles and showed his palms. On his palms were small bits of apple and the butterflies were flying around it. He held out his palms and stood still, then a few butterflies were flying towards his palms, landing on the food.

"Want to try?"

You nodded and held out your palms. A servant put some small apple bits in your hands and you held them out. Soon, the butterflies were on the bits and you gasped in excitement. On Earth, you would probably never experience something like this because you would be in a perpetual loop of waking up, eat, work, go home, shower, eat, and then sleep.

You could never have time to enjoy the smaller things in life with such little time in your day. That's the corporate working life for you. Plus bills and expenses...

The two of you bonded over butterflies until they all flew away and you both went back indoors. Maeus caught up with you and the boy introduced himself again to the crown prince.

On your way indoors, the Countess came up to both you and the prince to ask to speak alone–just the three of you. Maeus looked at you and you looked at him back.

"I wish to tell the truth before the results of the DNA test comes back."

Oh, my Emperor! (Yandere Emperor x reader)Where stories live. Discover now