The Introduction to Magic

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You were enrolled into the academy to learn everything about magic, mana, and the history of the Empire. Though, you hated the thought of going to school again after already graduating and getting yourself a job. However, you couldn't protest because this knowledge was completely necessary in order to survive. In terms of survival, you thought about magic that could get you back home; if you couldn't, you thought about what you would do to survive after you escaped the Empire. Would it be safe?

Thinking back to how you were on Earth, you were not very survivalist savvy and don't even have the skills to build a fire. Seeing them in videos was one thing, but actually doing them is another. You were trying to build a fire in the garden at the back of the palace with two sticks, but the videos made it seem easier than it really was. You were rubbing the sticks for over half an hour with no results and the servants of the palace gasped and took away the sticks once they found you.

"There you are! We were so worried when we couldn't find you in your room. Please don't run off like that, Saintess! It would be our heads!" The servants begged you not to do anything dangerous and you sighed and agreed. It was time to start class.

On the first day of class, you were given an empty journal and a quill feather pen with ink. Maeus was kind enough to provide you with textbooks for the classes you're taking.

Your first class of the day was about mana and magic. You entered your class to find it devoid of students and only the instructor sitting at his desk waiting for you. It was Cirrus.

"Good morning, Saintess. I'll be your magic instructor," he greeted you with a smile. Of course, he was in charge of selecting your magic instructors and what better mentors can you have but him? Thinking highly of himself, he proudly proclaims he is your instructor for all magic classes. Besides, he's the head mage of the Empire and who else is more qualified than him to teach you?

You looked at him...

... and he smiles and looks at you.

...and you look back at him...

...and he smiles and looks at you again...

You guess you're being privately taught regardless of the lesson.

Lesson 0: Introductory Magic

You write in your journal as Cirrus lectures.

The first lesson today is about the elements, levels, mana, and skills.

There are six main elements in total: Hydro, Aero, Geo, Pyro, Sun, and Moon. These six elements are what makes magic, magic. One must find the balance between all six elements in order to become a master of magic–if there is no balance, your magic will become rigid and stale. As previously mentioned, mana is in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and within ourselves.

With this, came your first question. You noticed that your status is the element of Moon, not all elements. Why is it that it sounds as if we could wield all elements?

"No, we can only wield our own elements, however, the balance is what keeps us alive and what keeps magic stable. You are not simply drawing from one element, but all elements to make one. We are one and we are all. In ancient times, the elements used to be viewed as a triangle where the Sun and Moon were on top and the bottom were the other four elements. Like a hierarchy. However, now people realize that we are all connected together and no element is more superior than another."

This made you think of the Disney movie with the song 'Colors of the Wind'. You can't own your element without knowing how to balance between the other five. All you will have is your element until you are able to find the stability in your mana. It is all connected in a circle, in a loop that never ends...

Cirrus smiles and is confused about your comparison, but he is glad that you understand. Just earlier, you mentioned what he said and you thought about Uncle Iroh from Avatar.

"Your element is Moon, which is the element that you are born with. Though there are others with this same element, Sun and Moon are rare. What makes you a Saintess is that you came from another world AND you have the Moon element."

You wondered if there were others before you, but Cirrus shook his head. You are the first and only person to have come from another world. To you, this was both a frightening and comforting thought. Frightening because you are the first and that something like this has never been done before, so you and everyone around you are lost. Comforting because for the first time in your life, you felt needed. Wanted. It may be a bit superficial, but you were glad that you could do something meaningful in your life that wasn't going to work, paying bills, going home, and then eating and sleeping.

"The origins of magic date back to the beginning of this world's creation. Since the dawn of time, all Valtorians were able to use some form of magic whether strong or weak. Those who tend to have weak magic but wish to fight are usually enlist as knights. Those who have strong magic enlist as mages, a kind of seesaw effect of: strong magic means weak muscles and weak magic means strong muscles."

You wrote down a summary of the notes and this seemed easy enough... so far.

Once the class was coming to an end, Cirrus promptly asked you if you had any questions or if any part was confusing. You shook your head since it seemed easy so far.

Cirrus made a small haughty laugh, "Probably because I'm such an amazing teacher! I'm eager to see your display of magic soon! That's until the third class session. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me."

With a wave of his hand, the head magician disappears into thin air.

And so concludes your first lesson.


From the author: Hey it's been a while! Life has been pretty busy and I hope no one has forgotten this story D: I wanted to let everyone know that this story is more of a fantasy action rather than romance but romance and yandere elements will still be there. I want to make a long story but my stories have never been more than 16 chapters long, so I hope I can manage this... Also, I hope to make it a bit realistic with the interactions of people like you can't be Queen/Empress with nothing, you need knowledge, power, and training, etc. Thanks for reading! I will write more soon I hope XD!

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