The first Vision

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It seems that you already had a dress tailored for you in advance without your knowledge. When you first arrived, Maeus had seamstresses take your measurements for new clothes to wear on a daily basis and they used those measurements to make you a ceremonial dress. You also wanted to help them with your dress since you wanted to be a fashion designer for a long time.

With the work of the servants' magical hands and your recommendations and sketches, they made you look so beautiful. You were dressed in a gold and white dress with gold-colored embroidery that you chose. The material was made out of the finest silk from the Hanying Empire and fur from the Regulus Empire. The accessories you wore were of white diamond from the kingdom of Druitt with gold metal to match your dress. Countess Alberet smiled at your reflection in the full body mirror. Diamonds were rare to wear as an accessory due to its expensiveness, so most nobles used other jewels instead whether because of money or because of style. People who wear diamonds means that they have a lot of money behind them. Maeus spent quite a fortune on your look despite the state of the Empire. He wanted you to have the best.

"You look like a Goddess!" She complimented.

The Countess was a strict woman who rarely gave compliments or even smiled, so to you, this means a lot coming from her. Aurore always commanded respect everywhere she went. She is a woman of power and strong influence; an outstanding person within the noble society and a huge loyalist to the Empire. Maeus knows that he should keep an outstanding noblewoman like her on his side for political power. She always remained a stoic woman who was the type to only speak important words everytime she opened her mouth.

'If you're going to say something, you'd better be saying something' was her favorite catch phrase to say especially whenever someone approached her during any social event to curry her favor. In other words, it means get to the point.

Despite the late reminder from Maeus about the banquet, this did not deter the Countess from teaching you everything you need to know about dancing, fashion, gossip, noble etiquette, flattery, and even the way of the fan.

"When people are gossiping about you, always remain stoic. If you react to them in any way, it will only fuel the fires. Noble society to the poor commoners is like a dream in the Twilight Realm, but to us nobles, it is more like walking in the desert while being wary of vultures," she warned you, "Do not engage unnecessarily and if you are unable to flee, maintain composure and give them a good name for yourself. If not, you'll end up as an embarrassment and the nobles will only laugh when they hear your name."

The warning was quite ominous as it reminded you of school cliques you've watched before of people tearing each other down to make themselves feel better. She made sure to teach you how to combat them with things to say and things to not say. Even a Saintess is not invulnerable to gossip and negativity.

In another room in the palace, an already dressed Maeus felt zero guilt whatsoever about telling you about the ceremonial banquet last minute. This was completely intentional as he didn't want you to find time to ask anyone else to be your escort to the banquet. People on Earth may think little of who they bring along to a party, however in Valtoria, who you bring with you is very important. He planned to be your escort for the banquet from the beginning and made everyone assume you already had a partner so no one ever approached you to ask.

This is because he planned to monopolize you and the chances of you accepting the offer to the first dance with him is 100% since he is your escort. The first dance is of utmost importance because the first partner you dance with typically means romantic interest for those who are single. Also, royals and imperials along with prominent nobles from other kingdoms and empires and rich merchants will be present.

Oh, my Emperor! (Yandere Emperor x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt