Astaroth and the prophecy of the Saintess

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You woke up in a very luxurious bedroom big enough to fit around 10 people in this room. The walls were adorned in an elegant and classy gold color with red curtains covering the windows. The bed you were sleeping on was four times your size and has way more pillows than needed. By the nightstand near your left, you saw a tray with a cover on top of it which made you assume it was food and water. You also noticed that your clothes were changed into wearing a light white nightgown that probably costs more than your phone bill.

Unfortunately, you sat up too quickly in surprise in bed and your head became dizzy and you started seeing some white stars in your vision.

"Careful, you should lie back down. You're unwell and your body is trying to adjust to the mana in the atmosphere and air we breathe, Saintess," a young man was sitting on a chair near the bed with paperwork in his hands. He was the same young man you saw earlier who handed you his handkerchief. While working, he was watching over you as you were recovering in bed. He was adorned in jewels, had on a nice imperial military uniform in white and red with a red cloak, and a sword in its sheath resting on the side of the chair.

You wanted to protest but the young man was right; you were in no condition to leave the bed and your head continued to spin. It was hard to breathe properly and you felt nauseous. The last thing you want is to quickly get yourself up to vomit on his shoes.

"Are you able to understand us?" The young man asked you wondering if you knew their language in order to communicate with them, and thankfully you do, "Excellent! My name is Maeus Trevella Shavonne Sangria Regulus, crown prince of the Regulus Empire here. You have suddenly landed here on the planet of Valtoria and we suspect you may either be the Saintess we are searching for or the accomplice of the madman who tried to hurt us." Maeus placed his right hand near his chest to greet you and used his free hand to motion the maid guarding near the door to the room. The maid bowed and left the room.

Upon hearing this news, you were both confused and afraid. Your reaction didn't go unnoticed by the crown prince and he began to be a little suspicious. Were you an enemy or an ally? This confirmation could be the deciding factor of the rise or fall of all of Valtoria.

The nobles who saw you by the river couldn't keep their mouths shut about your appearance along with the man you came with. Now, the imperial family, the government, the churches, the entire empire, and even the entire world now knows about what transpired here instantly. It wasn't due to being unable to force others to stay hush, but more due to the urgency of the state of Valtoria.

After asking for an explanation of why and how you got here, you received a lengthy story from Maeus.

The planet of Valtoria was in an extremely terrible state and needed immediate assistance. Examples of such are: the kingdom of Juventus having issues with their climate where one half of the entire kingdom is a dry desert-like area with no rain for almost a year and the other half of the kingdom was experiencing a lot of cold rain colder than normal–both situations are causing crops to fail. Another example is the Inesha empire that is currently on its fall due to rising issues of an illness happening mainly towards knights and commoners and killing them. The kingdom of Shen Mingli is having a resource issue where the kingdom is lacking in food and people are starving everyday.

This empire itself is not an exception. The Regulus empire is having a financial problem where money is tight and people are finding it difficult to afford everyday necessities. The empire struggles to pay even it's infrastructure problems.

All of this was all due to one big problem: The dark king Astaroth, fallen son of the lord of Oblivion. An evil entity who terrorizes the people of Valtoria after his aspirations of trying to enslave the living here on this planet for his own benefit and selfishness. He had no other reason other than because he despised mortals and believed it was a waste of power to create the living. 'Those who are weak should perish and those who are strong shall rule'. That was the dark king's motto. The Divines in the Twilight Realm went to war with Astaroth and his army of Demoguines to protect Valtoria, however, it became a stalemate for many millennia due to just one rule–that the Divines cannot meddle too much in the affairs of the living.

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