Chapter 45

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"Aquarius — all aquariuses should keep their eyes and ears open. The stars have aligned in a very special position. Chances are that imminent and drastic change is coming your way right as we speak and it will turn things around for a lot of people. Some might even call it destiny."

Oh, shut up, Cecilia muttered as she flipped the switch of the car radio and continued her ride in silence.

She didn't usually mind listening to horoscopes and titter tatter like that, but today she most definitely did. All this talk about some inevitable change and life altering events irritated her, but yet again, almost everything managed to irritate her today.

From the moment she woke up, she already felt annoyed and anxious and almost as if she wanted to tell the whole world to fuck off. She didn't like the way her coffee tasted in the morning and she didn't like the news of some dinner plans with Rob's parents and she couldn't have cared less about which colour Rob decided to remodel the apartment with. She couldn't have cared less about any of those things, because she was tired of everyone wanting and expecting something of her.

Or perhaps it was about where she was headed.

She drove around Silver Lake area and thought about how she hadn't been to this part of the city in a while and actually thought of it as quite nice. The weather was warm and sunny and all the cafes on the streets were filled with seemingly happy and excited people. Everybody looked like today was the most peaceful, most serene day on this Earth, yet the insides of Cecilia twisted and turned like never before. Her heart was pounding as she was fidgeting in her car seat, her hands shaking and covered with cold sweat.

She kept on gazing at her purse that was placed on the passenger seat, the edges of the brown envelope peeking out. She had no idea how all of this was going to go and those papers almost worked as a sort of a reality check for her. She was here to get the signature she needed to make everything official and nothing else.

Absolutely nothing else.

Just like she had imagined, locating John and his new whereabouts didn't prove itself too difficult of a job, granting Cecilia results in a matter of days. She called a few friends here and there until she managed to get Flea's number and Cecilia absolutely knew that if there was a person, who knew something about John, it was most definitely Flea.

It took her some time to gain some courage to call him up, but after a while she did and that phone call filled her heart with absolute joy. She hadn't talked to him in years, yet he still managed to make it feel like no time had passed whatsoever. He was still the same old Flea, so happy and so infectiously positive that it made Cecilia realize how much she had missed having him in her life. It made her think about the good old times they used to share and it made her even a bit sad for a moment, but she didn't want to allow herself to feel that way. Those days were long gone and she had to accept it and finally let all of it go.

So, the more painful it was to ask about John, and Cecilia knew that Flea was expecting that question, but regardless of that, he still managed to make it feel like they were speaking of something as casual as the weather. He did an amazing job in giving Cecilia all the necessary information, yet making her feel like she still knew almost nothing of him. He gave her his address and told her how he was doing better and how committed he was to the band and that knowledge really filled her heart, because seeing John do better is really all she wanted in life.

Cecilia didn't exactly tell Flea why she wanted to see John, but regardless of that, he was no stupid and he knew, which buttons to press. So when they ended the call, he told her how happy he was that she called and that he believed that she and John really had things to talk about. Cecilia didn't exactly understand what he meant by that, but it made her curiousity get the best of her and when she asked if John ever spoke of her and Flea answered "All the time", it caused a pit so deep in her stomach that it made her dizzy.

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