Chapter 54

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"Are you ready, baby?" Cecilia heard John's voice echo from the distance as she was taking a final look at herself in the bathroom mirror, ready to exit the room and their tiny apartment in a matter of seconds.

"Coming," she answered as she turned all the while John had already made his way into the bathroom, a camcorder firmly between his hands.

"What are you doing with that?" Cecilia laughed lightly as she looked into the camera, but then playfully tried to hide her face.

"No, no," John chuckled as he snaked his free hand around her and then turned her to face the mirror together with him.

"Where are we going today?" he asked as he filmed the pair from the mirror.

"We are going to Hawaii," Cecilia smiled as she giggled a bit and turned her her eyes away from the mirror to look at John.

"Are you excited?" he asked as he turned to face her.

"Very," Cecilia nodded, still smiling.

"Me too," John grinned and pressed his lips against her's all the while Cecilia used the moment to slip away from his arms and make a swift exit.

"So very corny!" she giggled from the other room, making John laugh.

"I heard that!" he answered, then turned the camcorder off and followed her, "I think the cab is already here, actually."

"I think so, too. Come on now," Cecilia playfully rolled her eyes at him as she gathered her suitcase and her purse and the couple made their way out of the apartment.

It was the month of May in 1999 and John and Cecilia were heading to a week long vacation just for the two of them, counting it as an early one year anniversary trip for getting back together. Considering that the band was set to head out to their Californication tour next month, John and Cecilia found it the perfect time to get away for a bit and have some precious moments only for themselves – in a matter of just a few weeks, there wasn't going to be such a possibility for quite some time. Work obligations were calling, so the both of them made it their priority to use every moment left.

But even as the both of them knew that very soon, they would have to give up their sheltered and blissful coexistence, neither of them really minded. The album was scheduled to be released around the same time as the start of the tour and Cecilia knew how important it was for John. He was proud and he was excited and absolutely everybody, who was involved with this record even the slightest, was thrilled. It was a phenomenal album and the guys were finally ready to share their music with the world.

And the recording of the album was pretty much all John and Cecilia had been busy with as of late. Well, mostly John, but Cecilia still managed to play a tiny role in it as she always did. Quite often she would join the sessions at the studio in order to take photos of the process, but this time around it was more for personal fun and memories rather than a work assignment. She loved hanging around with the guys and the idea of being a part of a historical event such as this.

But other than that, she spent most of her time working on her own photo projects like shooting spreads for different music magazines about different bands and artists and once she had some extra time, on her most exciting project yet – her own photo book. She hadn't done anything that was only about her work in the longest of time and she was excited to put together a sort of a timeline of her best photos yet. At least the ones she still had considering that she lost much of her early photos and negatives in the fire that destroyed her and John's house many years ago. But considering that the project was still in its early stages and she had plenty of time, she wasn't too fazed about it. With everything good and amazing taking place in her life, there was just no way she was going to let something like that bring her down.

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