Chapter 13

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"Sorry I'm late, traffic sucked," John mumbled, stepping into the management office, dragging his feet behind him.

Needless to say, the last few weeks had been difficult for him. The constant circle of meetings and rehearsals was really starting to take a toll on him mentally, draining him to the last bit. He had trouble focusing and getting himself together, his anxiety getting the best of him. He was always running late to appointments, which didn't go unnoticed by his bandmates, Anthony's disapproving and annoyed look being solid proof for it the moment he arrived. Even as he tried his best, he couldn't help, but to have his mind constantly occupied with the reality of leaving for tour in only a few weeks, so yet another meeting was the last thing he needed.

During the first leg of the tour, John didn't have much against travelling across the nation. Of course, it was physically tiring and he knew that a lot of musicians had a distaste for touring for a bunch of reasons, but he had fun playing with this three best friends, going crazy, chasing girls. Six months ago, John didn't have a care in the world. This time around, though, it was different. Ever since meeting Cecilia, his mindset had shifted completely. First and foremost, he cared about creating and playing the best and purest music possible. He wasn't interested in any of the antics going on during touring. He wanted to focus on his art while being with the girl, who had put everything into perspective for him. So as much as he loved playing with the band, for the first time in his life, he felt like his heart was somewhere else.

During the meeting, John had trouble paying attention and listening to what everybody were saying. He couldn't have cared less for most of the topics being discussed, like who would be selling their merch or how many rodies they were taking. As long as he had a proper technician, he was fine. Following another five minutes of empty blabbering, as John thought, during which he wished to be literally anywhere but this meeting room, an issue that got his full attention was finally raised.

"So, a photographer? Someone to document the tour. You guys have anybody in mind? Someone who won't charge us millions?" the band's manager looked at the guys, scanning through each one of them.

A small discussion about different industry photographers ensued after this question, but it soon became clear that nobody had any useful ideas. It was then that John decided to speak his mind.

"What about Cecilia?" he blurted out, the look on his face more than serious.

"She's your girlfriend, man," Anthony shook his head, dismissing John's proposal.

"So? She's a photographer. And a damn good one, too," John knew where Anthony's argument was about go, but in all honesty, he couldn't have cared less about the antics Anthony was about to put up about the rule.

"Yeah, but she is still your girlfriend, John. You know how it is, no girlfriends."

"Yeah, she is my girlfriend, but she is a fucking good photographer as well. You have seen the pictures she has taken of us, she knows us all and you know that she knows how to photograph us. And she would charge us fairly," John reasoned, adamant in his position.

"For fuck's sake, really, John? Ok, guys? What do you think?" Anthony looked at Flea and Chad, convinced that they would find John's idea as bad as he did.

"I mean.. She does take good photos," Flea then mumbled, practically to himself.

"You gotta admit, she takes great shots," Chad shrugged.

"Really?" Anthony screeched out in disbelief, "What about the rule?"

"Oh my god, the rule," John looked at him, sarcastically rolling his eyes.

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