Chapter 1

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December 17th, 1989

A beautiful day. Sunny and warm. Chris's birthday. We're celebrating him in some tiny club tonight. Should be fun. I should take the camera.

Cecilia scribbled in her notebook while smoking on her balcony. It was something she did on a daily basis. Both writing in her notebook and smoking cigarettes. She had had a notebook since she was 14 years old. Memories were important to her. You never knew when something would end too soon and you would be left with nothing but some foggy recollections. She had been smoking since she was 14 as well. A habbit she felt she had picked up too early. But a habbit she didn't feel like giving up either.

She was excited for the evening. Not overly excited, but she felt happy to go and celebrate her friend's 25th. Well, it wasn't her friend exactly. It was her best friend Jessica's brother. But she had known him ever since she moved to LA at 10 years old and started attending a ballet class, where she met Jess. She even had a crush on him at some point, but got over it rather quickly. So she considered him a friend.

After taking a few more drags from her cigarette, she put it out and finished her green tea. The weather was unusually warm for the month of December and Cecilia was right in the middle of enjoying the California sun, when her door phone rang. She groaned in annoyance, got up and walked to it knowing exactly who it was. Picking up the phone she bluntly answered, "I should really get you a key," and buzzed the downstairs door open letting the person in.

"It's about time you get me a key, I'm tired of waiting behind the door," Jessica rolled her eyes getting into the apartment.

"It's on my to do list," Cecilia laughed.

"You're still in your bathrobe, Cecilia, really? It's 3 PM!"

"What can I say, I'm a woman of comfort," she only chuckled.

"Sure you are," Jessica shook her head and started to go through her bag.

"I got us a bottle of champagne! To have something to sip while we're getting ready. A little warm up," she exclaimed excitedly.

"Ohh.. fancy!" Cecilia took a closer look at the bottle and examined the labels.

"You know it," Jessica chuckled and winked.

And Jessica sure was a fancy lady. Long rich brunette hair, huge green eyes, defined facial features, amazing figure. A true beauty. Well, she was a dancer after all. She had the greatest personality. Very bubbly, yet also very practical. Hard work had taken her far in life and given her opportunities to make her dreams come true. She was a contemporary dance teacher in a dance school, where she taught young girls around the age of 10. She was also a cheerleader for the Los Angeles Lakers. Her biggest dream was to become a full time choreographer at some point. Cecilia admired how driven and dedicated her best friend was. Jess was always sure that anything was possible.

The girls spent the day watching bad television shows, gossiping and getting ready for the night. After showering, Cecilia blowdried her waist hugging blonde hair, and did her make up. She opted for her usual "occasion look", which consisted of a strong eyeline and dark red lips. Cecilia had never liked things that were mediocre or in between. When she wore make up, she either wore it dark or barely nothing at all. When she thought how she would like to wear her hair, she always thought really long or really short. She always preferred things to be on a certain side of a spectrum.

After Cecilia had spent a while trying to decide on what to wear, she heard Jess yell from the living room, "Cecilia, what's taking you so long?"

"I can't decide on a outfit!" she replied.

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