Chapter 14

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"You excited to be sharing a smelly bus with a bunch of gross dudes for the next couple of months?" John laughed while hording his belongings onto his living room floor and attempting to do some proper packing.

"You have no idea, can't wait," Cecilia sarcastically rolled her eyes, then laughed.

"Good, cause you'll need to put up with a lot. I mean, Tony and Chad farting and burping and..," he listed and grinned while Cecilia cut him off, "Ok, thank you! That's enough information!"

"Is it, though? Is it?" John smirked, standing up from the floor and sitting onto the couch, right next to his girlfriend. He placed his hands on her cheeks and took her in for a kiss.

Ever since returning from the little birthday getaway Cecilia had arranged for John and herself, he had been in good spirits. He couldn't hide the fact that he was nothing less then thrilled that Cecilia had agreed and was joining the tour as their photographer. For the past couple weeks he had been so worried, so anxious. He had just found her and the thought of not being able to see her, touch her, smell her for months on end, had been terrifying him. To the extent that he actually, for the first time ever, felt reluctant to go. After this turn of events, though, things really seemed to be looking up and John was nothing but excited.

The tension between him and Anthony had been wearing off as well, especially after Tony himself unexpectedly announced just a couple of days ago that Jessica will be joining them as well. "Did you think there was any leaving her home after she learned that Cecilia will be coming?" was all he said about it when he and John were having a smoke together in a rehearsal. Not really having any issues with it, John took Anthony's answer for what it was and decided not to push the matter any further. The only one left bummed out about leaving was now Flea, which was understandable. He wasn't just leaving a girlfriend, he was leaving a wife and a child, and John figured that he would be heartbroken as well if he was in Flea's shoes.

"Yes, I'm sure I'll have enough time to get even a bit too familiar with everybody," Cecilia broke the kiss and laughed.

"Well, perhaps," John chuckled, "Guess we'll have to be a bit more delicate this time around. You know, with all of you chicks aboard."

"Hey, you are the one who practically begged me to join you."

"I did not beg you, I offered you a proper job that will be great for your career, because I know that you are very talented."

Cecilia turned her eyes to John and smiled, "You're right. Thank you."

"I still can't believe Jessica is coming as well," she then added, shaking her head.

"Why? You don't want her to come?" John shrugged.

"What? No, it's not that. Just wasn't expecting it. After all, Anthony's always been the no girlfriends guy, hasn't he? I don't think he's ever taken any other girls on tour, has he?"

"Not that I know of," John shook his head, "I mean, I don't know. Maybe he's just extra soft for her. First time for everything, right?"

"Yeah, probably," Cecilia smiled and rolled herself into a blanket the moment John got up from the couch and began sorting his music gear.

Cecilia didn't really want to discuss it with John, but in all honesty, she found the fact that Anthony was willing to take Jessica on tour with him, well, quite odd. And the fact that Jessica was fully on board with that idea seemed equally strange. For as long as Cecilia had known her, she had been the most dedicated, career driven girl. Never before had she seen her give up anything for a boy. Cecilia knew that Jessica was head over heels for Anthony, but she still had her classes and her cheerleading squad. The fact that she was willing to take a break in both of those things just seemed awfully out of character for her. Cecilia wasn't planning on vocalizing her thoughts to anybody, let alone Jessica, but she knew there was something more to her coming on tour with them than just Anthony dismissing the no girlfriends rule.

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