The Princessa has arrived!

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Goodness, my back is really bothering me. Ugh! As I sit up in bed the feeling in my back subsides a bit, but the dullness of the discomfort is still there. I stretch my arms above my head and take a deep breath. The sun is shining, and I have this feeling that today is going to be a great day, it would be greater if this discomfort would go away. Boy am I starving!

"My child, I love you, come on out and enjoy the sun" I said as I rubbed my belly. I felt my baby move within me, and my heart swelled. I can't believe that soon Nick and I would be able to hold our little baby in our arms. Nick and I want our baby to be as healthy as possible, Nick says that he would love the baby whatever it is but it would be cool if it were a boy. I am not sure my heart tells me that it may be a girl. "Can you tell me what you are? Are you a boy or a girl?" I felt the baby move and stiffen. "Well, I don't know what that means so I guess I will have to wait".

I started to comb my hair and dropped my comb. Darn it! Because my belly has gotten so big when something falls it takes a lot for me to be able to pick it up. Usually, Nick is always around to pick it up for me before I try to bend down to get it. I steadied myself and slowly bent down, I reached for the comb and stretched my fingers to the max. After what felt like forever, I was able to grab my comb, when I began to stand up, I felt a sharp pain that knocked the air out of me. I felt the pain shoot up my back and around the front of my belly. I started to pant from the pain.

"Don't panic, don't panic!" I repeated to myself "What wrong? My child are you alright? Please tell Mami that you are alright" I rubbed my belly and continued taking deep breaths and I slowly felt the pain subside completely. Thankfully, I was able to finish my hair and dress myself.

"Ok little baby, let's behave ourselves so that we don't worry Papi, he's worried enough as it is". Poor Nick, it seems that the further along I get in my pregnancy the more worried he gets. Oh boy! I'm hungry!

As I make my way to the dining hall several maids and guards pass by me with smiles as they stare at my belly. I stop and smile at them, they bow in response.

"Would you like to feel the baby?" I asked with a smile. The eyes of the servants and guards went wide, and they seemed unsure.

"Go on, it alright, it's been moving a lot today". The maids lifted their hands slowly and rubbed my belly quickly as if my belly was on fire. I giggled and grabbed their hands and placed them on my belly. "Say hello little one, there are many people who are excited to meet you".

They giggled, when they felt the baby move and said, "You are looking radiant Reina Esperanza, is there anything we can do for you?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you" Then my stomach growled. "If I may your majesty it sounds like your baby is asking you for some food". The guard chuckled.

"Yes, I am starving, if you will excuse me, I need to go and get myself some breakfast". They bowed to me, and I made my way over to the dining hall, where I saw Nick, he was pensive as if his mind was a million miles away. When he noticed that I was walking toward him the worry melted away into smile.

I wonder why he is looking at me like that "What?" I asked. He shook his head and continued smiling.

Nuh uh "Come on, tell me" I pushed.

"Nothing, you are just so beautiful" he said as he tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

Such a flatterer, "You're just saying that.....what you really mean is I'm huge". I looked down at my belly wondering when I would be able to see my feet again.

He lifted my chin and said "No, I meant what I said" I sighed he always knows the right thing to say. OW! OW! Darn it the pain is back!

"What wrong? Are you alright" Nick said worried. I tried to calm myself but could only let out a "Yeah", after taking a few breaths I said "Just a little bit of back pain" I tried putting my hand on my back to see if that would ease the pain, but it wasn't helping. It took everything in my power to not let out a yell, I closed my eyes tightly to concentrate on not yelling. Nick was worried enough as it is and as I kept on breathing the pain was slowly subsiding.

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