Day of Engagement Ball

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The day had finally arrived, my engagement ball. I could hardly believe the days had flown by so quickly. And to think my wedding is tomorrow. Everything is perfectly perfect from the flowers to the food, to my hair to my nails, to my dress. I give myself a once look over in the mirror and I have to say I have never looked better. I straighten my tiara and smooth my dress as I head towards the ballroom. The trumpets sound and I am announced in, as I walk to the center of the ballroom, I turn to see all my subjects bow, smile and applaud me, but something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. Someone was holding on to my love and wouldn't let go.

"Unhand me woman! I command you to unhand me!". Nicholas yelled.

"No, No, I won't, I love you!". The woman yelled back at him.

"I do not love you; I can't even stand the sight of you, you are nothing in comparison to my true love".

"Nick, Nick, please listen to me!" She cried.

"It is Principe Nicholas to you, peasant!" Nicholas yelled.

Good Lord, now she's crying I must put an end to this. I couldn't leave Nicholas to deal with this wretched woman alone. I made my way towards them, no one touches my love but me.

"Unhand my fiancé the moment you harlot!" I commanded.

Esperanza turned and looked at me with crazy eyes, goodness she was hideous.

"No, I won't! Nick loves me not you!" she screamed.

"Don't listen to her Rosalinda you are the only for me my love". Nick vowed.

I knew he loved me, and he would only ever love me. My poor betrothed being bothered by such a lowly woman, I don't even know why she is even called a Princessa she is as low as the peasants that clean up after my horse.

"Let my fiancé go this moment!". I commanded.

She walked right up to me and said. "Your fiancé'! Please, you are delusional, Nick loves me, not you. He is mine, he and I will rule my little kingdom together forever, so get that through your think skull" And then she made the biggest mistake of her life; she slapped me.

"ROSALINDA! Guards seize that monster!" Nick screamed.

Guards came from all different directions and seized Esperanza, she tried to twist herself out of their grasp, but it was pointless. Nicholas came running to me and caressed my face with tenderness.

"My love are you alright, allow me to kill this creature for hurting you!" Nicholas looked at Esperanza with such rage, he looked like he was ready to run her through with his sword, but I wouldn't give him that satisfaction, it may ruin his outfit.

"Yes, my dearest love, I'm alright now that you are here. Esperanza you will pay dearly for raising a hand at me. I charge you with treason, and sentence to you to direct, immediate and sudden death!"

"NOO, Nick please!" Esperanza screamed with fear. I walked up to her and slapped her with all the might I could muster.

"You will never speak to my love again, die well harlot! Take her away!"

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" Esperanza screamed as she was being pulled away and being led to her death.

"Well done my love, now she will never bother us again". Nicholas said as he gathered me in his arms.

"And now we are free to live happily ever after" I replied.

"Of course, my betrothed". With that Nicholas leaned down and kissed me.

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