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She fell asleep...

She looks so peaceful...

So beautiful...

Even the bruises on her face do nothing to diminish her beauty...

She smiles in her sleep as I caress her face, I will never forgive myself for putting her in this position. Its my fault that she is in the infirmary, if I was honest from the beginning, she would've never ran from me and gotten hurt by Captain Juan and Deacon.

Captain Juan....


I'm glad that they are dead, I will kill anyone that tries to hurt Esperanza.

As I walk out of the infirmary, I see my reflection in one of the windows, I look like crap and I need a bath.

"You look like shit!"

I turned and saw Princessa Alexis smiling at me, I could tell that she and Esperanza had the same fiery spirit, I wonder if they got that from their mother.

"Well thank you very much Princessa Alexis, I appreciate your wonderful compliment, although I would say that you may want to get the piece of spinach out of your front tooth as soon as possible".

I was lying but her reaction was priceless, she gasped and checked her tooth. When she saw that she had nothing, she threw her head back and laughed.

"Good one, Principe Nick, funny! I like you, but you know that this means war right?"

"Bring it on, little sister". I replied.

"Little Sister? Hmm I like the sound of that but how exactly am I going to be your little sister?"

"Well I do plan on asking Esperanza to marry me once she's feeling better".

"Knowing my sister trust me she will say yes, you just have to get through my parents, Alfredo, my nephews, Mannie and probably Champion".

"I hope your joking about the last two", she must be joking.

"Maybe.... As your new little sister, it is my job to make things a little hard for you, can't make everything easy for you".

The little devil, I could tell that she and I were going to get along just fine.

"I see that this is the start to an amazing brother/sister relationship, you know now that I think about it, I think you would get along perfectly with my best friend Mateo".

Her face lit up with excitement, I got her.

"Really?! I mean really, and what is your friend like?"

"Well Princessa since you said I look like shit I think its best that I get myself cleaned up as to not be in your presence like this, if you'll excuse me".

I smiled and bowed to her and walked away. I heard her yell from the end of the hall.

"Oh no he didn't! This really means war!".

I went to my room, took a bath and went off in search of my parents, I had to speak to them.



The sun was shining through the curtains and hitting me straight in the eye, then all the sudden the room was full of sunlight. I groaned and grabbed my pillow to cover my eyes from the sun's powerful rays.

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