Bring It On

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When my father made the royal proclamation of my engagement to Nick the kingdom soared. Everyone burst into cheers, people pulled their flags and waved them with pride. Standing on the balcony that overlooked the kingdom, the sun shined brightly, it was as if God himself was smiling down on us. I don't remember ever seeing the kingdom so alive, I also don't remember seeing Alexis cheer so much. She was screaming at the top of her lungs "finally she's getting married, woo hoo!!!" I guess the kingdom and Alexis had the same feelings. Waving to the people I looked around, my father of course as regal as ever smiling, my mother as expected trying to keep herself from crying and failing miserably, Rey Diego smiled brightly I could tell that he was happy, Reina Emelina was dabbing her eyes and staring in mine and Nick's direction, I think she and I are going to get along perfectly. I turned and looked at Alfredo, he smiled in my direction and for the first time ever I saw a tear come down his cheek. I blew a kiss to him, and he winked at me which made me giggle. I turned back and stared at Nick, he smiled, and his eyebrows furrowed together.

"What? What is it?" Nick asked.

"Nothing, I just can't believe that this is all real, that we are actually getting married. I mean look at the kingdom, look at how happy everyone is. I... I'm just at a loss for words". I felt a tear come down my cheek and right on time Nick wiped it away with his thumb.

"Well beloved, you better believe it, because it is real, I'm real, this is real, and we are going to be married and we are going to live happily ever after". Nick leaned down and kissed me, the crowd went wild all over again.

"Alright you too, you're not married yet". My father stated.

"There's a lot of work that needs to be done in preparation for your engagement ball". My mother added.

"If possible, I would love to be able to help in any way I can" Reina Emelina said.

"Oh that would be wonderful, come Reina Emelina lets get together and brainstorm". My mother replied.

"Please Reina Roselia, call me Emelina, we are going to be in-laws, aren't we?" she stated.

"Of course, Emelina but only if you call me Roselia". My mother replied.

Well its obvious that those two have hit it off and going to go crazy planning my wedding.

"Rey Diego how about you and I grab a brandy and go for a ride". My father said.

"Sounds like a good idea to me, Rey Francisco". Rey Diego replied.

"Oh please, is all of that necessary lets just drag them to the cathedral and get the married already, yeah!" Alexis interjected.

"ALEXIS!" my parents exclaimed.

"What?! I was just saying". She replied.

"Well for your sake Princessa Alexis, I recommend that you don't just say". Alfredo chided.

I had to giggle, because my goodness when will Alexis ever learn. My parents and my in-laws walked out of the balcony and left us with Alfredo.

"Princessa Esperanza, you know that it is not polite to laugh at your sister when she is being scolded". Alfredo turned to me.

Dang it, I got caught.

"Sorry, Alfredo".

Nick leaned down into my ear and said "Ooo someone is in trouble". I felt my jaw hit the ground, I turned to him and said, "No I am not" and swatted him. As expected, Alfredo caught that too.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora