The Calm before the Storm

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"Buenos Dias your highness, its time to get the day started".

I knew that voice, it was Alfredo. I didn't want to get up, I knew that it was the day of the ball and I was not in the mood to get fussed over. Whenever we have a ball there are over a dozen people fussing over us. Fussing over how we look, our hair, our jewelry etc. at times it can be really annoying.

"Please Alfredo, don't make me get up; I don't want to be fussed over".

"Come now, Princessa Esperanza you must get up, as future reina you must always look your best and be on time." Alfredo replied.

Knowing Alfredo, he would not let me sleep in no matter how much I begged him; so, I got up and he handed me my breakfast.

"Very good Princessa, now on to your duties for the day. You must ready for your royal fitting which is in 20 minutes, after that we must review the menu, the music, the guest list..."

"Alfredo! Too much, one thing at a time please."

I think Alfredo realized that I was feeling overwhelmed and nervous about the ball.

"My apologies Princessa Esperanza, let's begin with a bath and we will go from there, deal?"

"Deal! I love you Alfredo".

"And I you, your highness, I shall be back once you have finished your bath". He exited my room and in came my ladies in waiting.

They prepared my bath with warm water and my favorite scents (Peppermint and Citrus). As I got in the bubble bath I sat back and closed my eyes. I tried to relax and think about my time with Nick yesterday. It brought a smile to my face thinking about our hay fight. I loved seeing how relaxed and fun-loving Nick was. What made it even better was seeing him playing with Mannie. Seeing those to together made me laugh, he was so tender and child-like with Mannie; it was adorable. My ladies in waiting came, washed my hair and got me out of the tub. After putting on my casual red and gold dress, they combed my hair and Alfredo walked in.

"Ah perfect timing Princessa Esperanza, I'm impressed". He said jokingly.

"Alfredo I'm not always late, you must have me confused for Alexis."

"Now Esperanza it is not proper to speak of one's siblings in that manner even if it is true".

I had to laugh, Alfredo was in a joking mood and his joking made me less tense.

"Alright Alfredo I am ready when you are".

We spent hours checking on everything, thankfully nothing was out of place. The food was being prepared, the musicians were practicing, all of the decorations and flowers were almost done being setup. The day had practically flown by. I had a little over and hour and a half to get ready. With all of the running around that I did, I needed a few moments of peace before the chaos begins. So, I decided to head over to the stables and relax there for a while. As I walked in, I saw my horse Champion, I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Hi boy, I know its been a bit since I've come to see you, can you forgive me?"

He neighed in response, but nudged my shoulder signaling me to give him an apple from the basket that sat at across from his stable.

"Oh, I see, if I give you an apple then you'll forgive me?"

He neighed, I giggled because I knew he was being impatient.

"I never got to thank you for rescuing me Champion, thank you my friend." I kissed his nose, grabbed two apples, gave him one and saw another horse that caught my attention. It was Maximus, Nick's horse. I slowly walked up to him to see if he would let me approach him. I held my hand out to let him smell me, he seemed to be okay with me getting close to him.

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