Night of Engagement Ball

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The sky is beautiful tonight, it's like all the stars are out. I can see the big dipper, the little dipper and possibly Orion's belt. The moon is full and shining brighter than ever. Now I don't know if I'm saying that because I'm in love or because its actually true. Either way the night sky has never looked so perfect. Tonight, is my engagement ball, as I look down at my engagement ring, I'm still at a disbelief that I'm actually getting married tomorrow. I can't help but smile, I'm truly happy and nothing, I mean nothing can take away the peace and happiness that I feel.

"Alright, who's this Rosalinda bitch and where is she, so that I can kick her ass!"

Well here goes my peace...My older sister Erica and her family walked into my room. She was my nephews, Principe Kelven and Johnaven twin eleven-year old and the youngest Principe Jayven who was five. All three have my wrapped around their little fingers and I don't mind at all.

"Erica, are you ever going to give up saying all of those bad words" I said as I stood up from my vanity to give her a hug.

"Esperanza are you ever going to shut the fuck up?" she replied mocking my voice.

"I don't speak that way.......MY BABIES!!!!!!" I walked past my sister and grabbed my twin nephews into a big bear hug, I know the twins pretended to hate it but I know that they secretly love it.

"Hi Titi Esperanza......Titi....Titi we can't breathe!!!" the both said struggling against my hug.

"Look at you both you guys have grown so much and are so handsome! Oh, come here the both of you". I grabbed their faces and started kissing them all over.

"Titi Esperanza please stop!" little Kelven said.

"Yeah, Titi we gotta make sure we look good for the ladies!" Johnaven replied.


They both looked at each other and smiled, as if reading each other's minds.

"Well Titi, your getting married tomorrow" Johnaven said.

"Yeah and that means that you will be taken. And I know that you wouldn't want us to belong to a woman who is already taken" little Kelven stated.

"Would you?" Johnaven countered.

Those little monsters, they are so clever! Oh, this is not over!

"You little monsters, get over here!" I pretended to chase them, but they ran out of my room before I was able to get them.

"Esperanza, they are at the age where all they think about is girls" Erica stated.

"I know but still, in my eyes they are still my little babies, please Jayven don't grow up" I said picking him up.

"Titi you look pretty" Jayven said with a smile on his face, my God how this little boy can make me melt.

"Aw my baby you are so sweet!" I said as I hugged and kissed him all over.

"Titi you're squishing me!!!" Jayven yelled.

I put him down, even though I didn't want to.

"Titi where's Mannie?" He asked me, if it's one thing I know since he was able to crawl Mannie was his favorite furry buddy.

"He's around here somewhere"


"And there he is". Mannie jumped on Jayven, knocked him down and started licking his face. Jayven could control his laughter.

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