Coronation Ceremony and Ball

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As Nick and I walked hand in hand towards the throne room, I started remembering our practice session earlier this morning. Alfredo showing us how we were supposed to enter, Nick on the left and me on the right, Nicks right arm straight out and my left arm over his, fingers straight. We walk to the throne; we do an about face and sit. The pastor does a prayer over Nick and I, my nephews hand Nick and I the royal scepters and orbs, scepters in the left hand and orbs in the right. Both objects were incredibly heavy, made of solid gold and covered in rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. As the pastor recites the royal coronation vow, our parents will crown us, we solemnly swear, and we are done. Woo! I feel like my heart is going to explode out of my chest! We were just a few steps away from the throne room door now, I could hear the crowd on the other side. I guess I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't realize Nick was trying to get my attention.

"Esperanza are you alright?" he asked concernedly.

"Huh? Yeah, Yeah, I'm alright!" I said.

"Beloved, don't lie to me". He replied.

"Is everything alright Esperanza? Shall I give the signal?" Alfredo asked.

"Uh..." I said with a shaky voice.

"Give us two minutes" Nick said.

"Of course, two minutes your highnesses". Alfredo replied as he gave us some privacy.

"Esperanza what's wrong?" Nick asked.

I took a few deep breaths before I responded. "I...I'm fine, I can do this!"

Nick grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Why are you scared? Don't you realize that you are going to be the greatest Reina the world has ever seen? Have you forgotten how you bravely you went off into the forest alone, how you fought for your life against Captain Juan and Deacon, how you majestically handled yourself at your political ball and need I remind you how justly you handled the exile of the royal family of Costa Luna? If those things don't sound like someone who would make a divine Reina, then I don't know what does".

"How did I get so blessed you have you as my husband and Rey?" I replied.

"I'm the one who's truly blessed" Nick said as he kissed me softly. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah...I'm ready" I replied.

"Shall we Reina Esperanza?" Nick said.

"We shall Rey Nicholas" I said.

"I will let it slide just this one time, Alfredo we are ready".

"You will be great Esperanza" Alfredo said as he gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Alfredo stepped through the double doors, Nick and I gave each other one more glance before setting our arms on each one another. The musicians began playing their instruments, the trumpets blared, the drums sounded, and the doors opened.


"I can't believe the day is finally here, Esperanza will be crowned Reina" I said hardly able to hold back my tears.

"Mi vida, it's alright, I can hardly contain my emotions". Roselia replied.

"Just look at her, it feels just like it was yesterday that she would run towards me screaming my name and jumping in my arms every time I came back from a trip". I said clearing my throat.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ