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The next morning the castle was alive with preparations for the ball. Flowers, food, and performers were brought from all over the kingdom. My ankle was finally feeling better and I wasn't limping as much; thank goodness. I knew that at this ball I would have to do a lot of dancing. I had my morning review with Alfredo and to be honest I do feel prepared but I am a little nervous, what if I mess something up and it falls poorly on the kingdom? It would be my fault. It would be nice if I could to Nick about this, maybe he could give me some advice. I wonder where he is I haven't seen him today, then again it' still pretty early.

"Espy! Hello Espy! Earth to Espy".

"Huh? Oh, hey Alexis".

"Hey, I've been saying your name for the past two minutes; what's got your brains attention or should I say who.'' She wiggled her eyes at me and giggled.

"You know you are so immature at times, and no I was thinking about the ball." I rolled my eyes and laughed a little.

"Yeah okay sure, I don't know why you are letting this ball get to you. All you have to do is talk to a bunch of people, make some business deals and not screw anything up."

"Thanks, sister you make it sound so easy," I said with such sarcasm. She, of course, rolled her eyes at me and gave me a playful push.

"Come on, Alfredo sent me to get you. We have to get our fittings done for the ball. I saw some of the fabrics and they are to die for."

I followed her to the fitting room, where we always get our alterations done and I see our dresses. I am at a loss for words. My dress is beautiful, it's a burgundy off the shoulder dress, embroidered with silver crystals all over the dress. It looks perfect! Set on display next to my dress was the jewelry that I was going to wear. It seems like the royal seamstress knew what she was doing. Alexis's dress was red and off the shoulders too but it had straps and the embroidery was only on the upper part of her dress; which suited her, she's not into sparkles as much as I am.

"Alfredo, this dress is beautiful! It's perfect!"

"Alfredo this dress is unbelievable!" said Alexis

"I am pleased to know that the dresses are to your liking your highnesses."

We both tried on our dresses and they fit us both like a glove.

"Now your highnesses in regards to jewelry, you will both be wearing significant pieces, which are to be taken care of. Princessa Alexis you will be wearing your grandmother Miriam's Silver spiked crown and your grandmother Luz Milena's stud earrings. Princessa Esperanza you will be wearing your grandmother Luz Milena's rounded crown and your grandmother Miriam's dropped pear earrings. I expect the both of you to take good care of these crowned jewels. Am I understood?'

"Yes, Alfredo". Alexis and I both said.

My grandmothers were very strong women both devoted to their husbands and country. My grandmother Miriam had this amazing smile that would light up a room. I loved her jokes, she was known as the mischievous grandmother. She would always whisper in our ears, tell us jokes and make us laugh at the wrong moments. She would then pretend to scold us and continue telling more jokes. She died when I was young but at times I can still hear her laughter.

My grandmother Luz Milena was definitely the strict grandmother. She always made sure that we behaved like how she thought Princessa's should behave. That meant no running, no jumping, and no weapons. So thankfully when my grandfather gave me his dagger she was nowhere in sight. Although she was strict I do know that she had a soft spot for us, you could feel it in the hugs she gave us. They were always strong and tight. Sometimes at night, I can still feel her hugs; and I can sometimes hear her voice in my head scolding me when I polish my dagger.

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