The Storm

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          Have you ever encountered a storm that rocked you to your core? A storm so fierce that you cannot help but want to run away. Well at this very moment that is what I am feeling. I can't breathe, I can't think, and I can't believe what I just heard.


Nick and I turned towards the entrance of the great hall and I saw this woman approaching me with an angry look on her face. She was fair skinned with brown-reddish hair pulled back into springy-like curls. She wore too much blush and her lipstick did not go well with her skin tone; her dress had a multitude of colors. It looked like a rainbow had thrown up on her and as she was approaching me she was waving this ridiculous looking feathered fan that matched her dress perfectly.

"What? How dare you speak to me that way! Who are you?" I said.


"Fiancé?...Nick is that true are you her fiancé?" I turned to Nick hoping to see that it was not true that this was all a lie and that this ridiculous woman was mistaken.

"Esperanza...this isn't what it looks like". He said with a panicked look on his face.

"Of course it's what it looks like my love we are betrothed and that makes us each other's fiancés". She said looking up at him with disgusting adoration and showed off her engagement ring.

I can't believe this, I can't believe, I can't breathe.

"What is the meaning of this!?" my father screamed as he approached us, my mother following closely behind him.

Bowing in an overdramatic way Princessa Rosalinda approached my father. "Your Majesty, allow me to introduce myself I am Princessa Rosalinda of Costa Luna. I am here to bring back my fiancé to his kingdom where we are pledged to be married to one another. Now please command this harlot to step away from him".

"Mind your tongue, Princessa Rosalinda! Do you dare to insult my daughter? The future Reina of Quisqueya! In my kingdom and in my presence!" I have never seen my father so furious, my mother put a hand on my father's arm in an attempt to try to calm him down.

"Sir Nick, what is the meaning of this?" my mother asked, I could see on her face that she was beginning to panic.

Before Nick was able to respond Princessa Rosalinda interjected.

"Sir Nick? If you don't mind me saying your highness you should mind your tongue; he is not Sir Nick! He is Principe Nicholas Alexander Del Castillo Garcia of Castellon; my betrothed".

Gasps could be heard all throughout the great hall, I felt my knees ready to give out on me. I couldn't believe that this was really happening.

"Nicholas Alexander Del Castillo Garcia of Castellon. Are you the son of Rey Diego and Reina Emelina?" my father asked.

"Yes, Rey Francisco he is our son".

At the entrance of the great hall entered a man and woman both obviously royal. They both had gold crowns with diamonds and black and red stones. The man was dripping with regalness he had his dark hair combed back just like how Nick would comb his hair and his royal outfit was all black with a red and gold sash. He stood tall and had broad shoulders if he stood next to Nick they could almost pass off as brothers. This was obviously Nick's father, the resemblance was undeniable.

The woman next to him which had to be Nick's mother because he had her eyes. She was absolutely stunning, her long black hair draped down her back as she came closer to us I was able to take her in completely, her dress was a beautiful shade of bright red with black encrusted stones and lace all over the top and bottom of her dress; and a crown that was the feminine version of her husbands.

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