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The pain in my face and ribs wakes me right up. I try to stretch a little, ow! Ok won't be doing that anymore. What time is it? When did I fall asleep? I'm tired, I'm sore and it hurts to breath. I want to stay in bed, speaking of bed this isn't my bed, I open my eyes and look around. This isn't my room; I'm in the infirmary wing. I try to sit up but feel weight by my leg. I look down and see a sleeping Nicholas.

His head is laid on his arms, his hair was disheveled, I noticed the stitches by his temple area and his knuckles were bruised. It angered me to no end that Captain Juan hurt him, I'm glad he's dead because if he wasn't, I would kill him myself for hurting Nick. This man has saved me on various occasions never caring about how he could get hurt in the process. He is strong, brave and loyal; without a doubt this man owns my mind, body and soul.

As I continue to gaze at him, I realized that I never noticed how long his lashes were, my God he is so beautiful. Did he stay by my side all night? He probably didn't get much sleep, I tried to sit up again and felt a sharp pain in my ribs that stopped me in my tracks. I took a deep breath, gritted my teeth and sat up fully. I couldn't help myself any longer I ran my hand through his hair and combed it back with my fingers. His breathing began to change, and I knew he was slowly walking up, but he had not opened his eyes. I slowly caressed his face admiring his cheek bones and jawline; when his hand shot up and grabbed mine startling me. With his eyes still closed he placed his hand over mine and ran his thumb across my fingers.

"That tickles". He said in a sleepy voice.

To that I giggled....

"The great Principe Nicholas admits that he is ticklish?" I teased.

His eyes shot open and looked me directly in the eye.

"Don't call me that, its Nick to you". He replied giving me a serious look. "Besides I'm great anyway". With a cocky smirk.

"Oh Nick, humble of you". I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

He laughed and said, "That's better, thank you and I love that".

"Love what?" I'm confused.

"I love it when you say my name". he said giving me a smile that took my breath away.

To that I instantly felt my heart rate accelerate and my face heat up; I had to look away, I couldn't hide my smile.

"Don't hide from me, how are you feeling?" he asked as he caressed my face.

"Great never better!" I'm lying through my teeth, I'm a horrible liar I know this but I didn't want to admit that I was in pain.

Nick looked at me and lifted an eyebrow clearly not believing a word I said.

"Really? Hmm...Did you know that you are an awful liar?"

Well that didn't work.  

"Yeah, my father says that I take after my mother in not being able to lie well. I'm sore, it hurts to breath and move, I'm a mess". I hated to admit that I was in pain, but there was no hiding it, I could barely sit up.

"Is that why you struggled so much to sit up right?"

Dang it he knew, I sighed and nodded my head.

"Well then that settles it". He started to get up from his chair.

"What? Settles what?"

"You are not to get out of this bed until you are feeling better".

What? Am I hearing correctly? Did he? Did he just tell me what to do?

"What? Oh come on Nick, No way! I will die of boredom and wait hold on did you just tell me what to do?" I said crossing my arms, if he wanted a challenge, he's going to get one.

"You heard me, you are not getting out of this bed until to get better......and yes I did just tell you what to do". He said challenging me.

"And what makes you think that I'm going to do as you say? We are not married". Ha! Beat that! I am not going to let him win this battle.

"Not yet we aren't.... Alright Esperanza, how about I make you a deal?" He said in a nonchalant tone, it was apparent that he wasn't going to back down.

Hold on, what did he say? Not yet? Did he just say that? Is he thinking about us getting married? Oh, my goodness! I would accept in a heartbeat.

"Okay, what kind of deal? Is it one that I get to do whatever I want?" I wonder what he has up his sleeve.

He gave me a smile and scoffed and said.
"Here's the deal, if you can successfully get out of bed without being in pain then you can do whatever you want. If you cannot then you do as I say and stay in bed and let me take care of you".

He crossed his arms and smiled knowing full well that I couldn't get out of bed without being in pain. Though the thought of him taking care of me was tempting I couldn't let him know that I was admitting defeat.

I crossed my arms and gave a pout. "That's not fair you know I can't".

He walked towards me, kissed my forehead and giggled. "Then let me take care of you querida".

Querida......it means beloved, but it sounded amazing coming from him, my goodness I really do love this man, I cant picture my life without him.

"Okay, but I get to take care of you too though and I'm not backing down on that". I said daring him to not agree with me.

"I am fine, I can get up out of bed, you beloved cannot".

"You have stitches on your temple and your knuckles are bruised". He better not try to get out of this!

"It's just a scratch besides I can take it". He said in a cocky tone, oh he was in for it now.

"Nicholas Alexander are you using male chauvinism on me? You are hurt and you are going to let me take care of you am I understood!".

I remembered the words his mother used on his father and the look Nick had on his face, I hope that I will get the same reaction. Nick smiled and kissed me softly.

"Never I would never, alright querida whatever you say".

"That's better". I smiled and kissed him.

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Where stories live. Discover now