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Caroline slightly jumped as she felt an arm on her shoulder, but soon relaxed once she realized who it was.

"You scared me," she said as she smiled at Maria Sainz.

"That was my intention," the PR manager smiled as they walked on the paddock, towards the Red Bull hospitality. "I heard you had some fun at the club next week..."

"Oh God!" Caroline groaned. "Eloise and Flo told you?"

"Mmhm," Maria nodded. "They also said you had a very very good time with Lewis."

"They are exaggerating," Caroline replied.

"See, that's why I thought. But then I just now noticed Lewis looking at you and now I no longer think they were exaggerating," Maria said.

"What?" Caroline immediately looked around to see if her friend was telling the truth, and she was.

She spotted Lewis at a distance, looking directly at her. He gave her a smirk before looking away.

"Huh!" Caroline looked back at Maria. "Maybe he is planning to ruin my race again."

"Maybe," Maria chuckled. "Or maybe you are just blind."


Max' face brighten up as his girlfriend and her daughter walked into the Red Bull hospitality.

Caroline watched from the other side as the three interacted. They looked like a happy family. No matter how many times Max complains, she knows that he loves and enjoys having a family. He is always extra cheerful when they show up to support him. But of course, there are times where he feels a little suffocated where he wants to break up and just end up hiding in Caroline's house.

Max said goodbye to his girlfriend as his engineer called him and soon Daniil showed up to take his daughter and spend some time with her.

"Hey," Kelly walked over and gave Caroline a quick hug.

"Hey, how are you?" Caroline smiled as Kelly sat opposite to her.

"I am fine, just feeling a little tired from the flight," Kelly replied.

"It never goes away," Caroline let out a laugh.

"Can I ask you something?" Kelly asked, feeling a little awkward.

Caroline nodded.

"Have you noticed Max behave a little unusual lately?"

"Unusual as in....?"

"Like disconnecting from everyone or sometimes even disappearing without letting anyone know," Kelly explained. "It's just lately he sometimes leaves the house for hours and does not tell me where he was. I am just worried."

Caroline nodded, understanding where Kelly is coming from as she clearly knows what she is talking about.

"Maybe he just needs some space," Caroline replied. "He is under a lot of pressure this year, everyone is counting on him to win the championship and perform better than Lewis. It's a huge burden to live up to everyone's expectations."

"You are right," Kelly thought as she looked out the glass window and saw Max giving an interview.

"You two just need to communicate and give each other the needed space," Caroline advised as she looked at Max as well.


"I think we have the pace and if everything goes right Red Bull will have another win tomorrow," Caroline answered the question asked by the interviewer.

"Thank you very much, good luck for tomorrow."

Caroline smiled before leaving.

"Caroline, wait up," Lewis came jogging towards her as he also finished his giving his interviews.

She stopped and turned to look at him, as did everyone else around. It's not always people see a Mercedes driver trying to talk to a Red Bull driver.

"Hey Sir Hamilton," Caroline greeted.

"I told you not to call me that," Lewis gave her a playful glare as he ignored everyone around.

"That doesn't mean that I will listen to you."

Lewis rolled his eyes.

"So what's up?" Caroline asked as he guided her from the crowd.

"What are you doing tomorrow night?" Lewis asked.

"Well..it depends...if we win then there will be a team celebration," Caroline replied.

"And if I win will you be free to have a drink with me?" He asked, looking confident.

"Wow!" Caroline let out a laugh. "That is some next level way of asking someone out."

"So is it a yes or a no?"

"It's a no Lewis," Caroline smiled. "I would rather sleep early than have a drink with you."

"Come on," he tried to convince her. "I am not that bad, and I really enjoyed our time together last week. One drink..and it will just as friends."

Caroline thought for a few seconds as her eyes fell on Max at distance.

"Fine, one drink but only if you win," she gave in. "Although I am pretty sure Max is going to win."

Lewis gave a satisfied smile as he looked at Caroline who looks pretty confident in her teammate's ability to win the race.

"And we are not friends Lewis."

"That will change after tomorrow."


"I need you to win tomorrow."

"What did you tell Kelly?"

Both the Red Bull drivers said at the same time.

"Just that you need some space and you are under a lot of pressure," Caroline replied.

"Of course I will win," Max scoffed. "But why do you need me to win."

"Because I agreed to have a drink with Lewis if he wins tomorrow."

"You idiot!" Max gently smacked her head. "What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that you will win and save me," she smacked him back.

Max shook his head, trying to hide his annoyance.

"I will win for you Care," he agreed. "Also thanks for talking to Kelly. We had a good talk and I feel things will be better from now on."

"See..I helped you, now you have to win," she gave a smug look."

"Yeah yeah, I will," Max chuckled. "What amuses me is you suck at relationships but you give good advice."

Lewis watched the duo from afar, knowing full well that Caroline is asking her teammate to win so that she can get out of their plan for tomorrow.

Lewis smirked as once again Caroline caught him looking. He does love a good challenge, and to him, both Caroline and the championship is a challenge that he is determined to win both.

Caroline gave him a playful glare before walking away with Max.


A/N: Who do you think is going to win, Max or Lewis or someone else?

Do you want any other driver to be interested in Caroline?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang