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"You won't kill me if I don't win right?" Max joked as both the drivers got ready for the race with only a few minutes to go.

"No," Caroline shrugged. "I will just have to go for a drink with Lewis...and who knows, maybe he will convince me to join Mercedes."

Max froze for a few seconds before looking at his teammate. His face got serious but soon relaxed as Caroline burst into laughter.

"You should have seen your face," she pointed out as she laughed, gaining the attention of the crew in the garage.

"That was a mean joke Care," Max he playfully pushed her.

"I am sorry," she tried to control her laughter. "But please win okay?"

"Anything to keep you as my teammate."


Unfortunately Max had a slow pit stop, causing him to come out of the pit lane just when Lewis was passing by. He lost the lead to Lewis was determined to gain it back.

Caroline was just behind both of them.

The championship contenders was having an intense battle causing everyone to be on the edge of their seat.

Caroline's heart skipped a beat when she saw both the cars ahead of her made contact and one of them was pushed off the track and hit the barricade.

But she was relieved to see Max' car still driving in front of her, and within minutes she was informed that Lewis got disqualified and Max received a ten seconds time penalty.

All the cameras were able to capture the frustration in Lewis' eyes as he got out of the car and went back to the Mercedes garage.

Despite the penalty Max managed to win the race and Caroline finished second since their cars had the required pace.

"Told you I would win," Max hugged his teammate.

"But you pushed Lewis off the track, he and his team is not going to take it lightly," Caroline looked concerned.

"I don't care," Max shrugged. But he knows she is not going to let it go easily.


"Hey," Caroline approached Lewis after the podium celebration and interviews were done. "Are you okay?"

"Your teammate really knows how to play dirty," he said to her with a serious expression. Caroline can tell he is not in a good mood and is really pissed about what happened.

"I am sorry about him, he was just trying to get his position back," Caroline tried to defend Max.

"Maybe next time I will push him off the track, it's only fair," Lewis let out a dry chuckle.

Caroline didn't know how to respond.

"How about we grab that drink...to make things even?" she suggested.

Lewis narrowed his eyes and looked at  Caroline. He is aware that she agreed to have a drink to get him off of Max' back.

"Alright," Lewis smirked. "I suppose I can call that a win."


"What were you thinking?" Caroline barged into Max' drivers room.

Max huffed as he put down his phone. He should have known Caroline is not going to let it go easily.

"You told me to win, and I won."

"Yeah, but I didn't ask you to push him off the track," she argued. "You know how dangerous it was? One small slip up and it could have been you instead of Lewis."

"Care, calm down," he put his hands on her shoulders. "It was a racing incident, neither of us wanted to back down. This kind of things happen Care. You should know it better than anyone," he joked the last part.

She looked at him, he could tell that she is concerned about the whole situation.

"The important thing is now you don't have to go out with Lewis," he chuckled.

"Yeah, about that..." Caroline looked away.

"What did you do?" Max hold her arm and turn her around to look at him.

"He was really pissed, Max,' Caroline explained. "He even said...implied that he is going to do the same to you at the next race."

Max raised his eyebrows as realization hit him. Caroline looked guilty and that was enough to answer his doubt.

"So you agreed to go out with him," he shook his head in disappointment.

Caroline nodded.

"You know, I am fully capable of taking care of myself on track," Max looked angry. "You didn't need to do that for me."

"I know Max," she replied softly. "But you are supposed to win the championship this season and we can't take any risk. One DNF is enough to turn the whole game around."

"Still you shouldn't have agreed to go out with Lewis."


A/N: Do you think it was a racing incident or Max deliberately pushed Lewis off the track?

Thoughts on Caroline and her decision to go out with Lewis despite him not winning?

Team Max or Team Lewis?


HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now