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"I hate triple headers," Eloise complained as Caroline sorted out her clothes and put them in the suitcase. 

"We are going to France first, you love France," Caroline pointed out. 

"Yeah," Eloise pouted a little as she comfortably sat on the bed. "But three weeks of constant travel and work…you will be with Lewis and I will be stuck with my brother, and Michael…Maria…Max.. God, I need some new friends."

Caroline chuckled. Her attention was diverted to the new text she received from Lewis. 

A smile appeared on Caroline's face as she looked at her phone screen. Lewis just sent her a selfie of him and Roscoe. 

"What are you smiling at?" Eloise asked. 

Caroline turned the phone around to show Eloise the photo. 

Eloise looked at the photo and then at Caroline

"Where is Caroline and what have you done to her?" Eloise asked with a confused look on her face. 

"What do you mean?"

"You are in love," Eloise stated. "You are in love with Lewis. You used to hate Lewis. You used to hate love, you are the girl with the commitment issue. And now you are in love with Lewis."

Caroline was speechless but was blushing. She was in love with Lewis. It was something she thought was impossible. 

"Aww! Now you are blushing," Eloise pointed at her face. 

"It feels insane," Caroline smiled brightly. 

"It is insane," Eloise nodded and smiled back. "Have you told him yet?"

Caroline shook her head as she put her phone down. 

"Has he said or implied that he loves you?"

"No, and I don't know if he feels the same," Caroline replied as she wondered whether or not Lewis feels the same about her. "I mean, I know he likes me..he has said so many times but I don't know about love."


"Alright, new plan," Eloise stepped inside Max's house as soon as he opened the door. "I am not helping you."

"What?" Max's eyes went wide as he was taken aback. 

"I am not helping you make Caroline fall in love with you."

"But why?" He asked, confused by her sudden change in decision. "Just last night you agreed that you will help me."

Eloise huffed as she looked at the confused and defeated face of Max. They guy has completely given his heart to Caroline, but unfortunately she is in love with his rival. 

"Because she is in love with Lewis," Eloise sounded defeated. "I never thought she would ever be in love but she is…and if I help you that means…she is happy with Lewis, I don't want to ruin that," She explained. 

"You will not be ruining anything," Max argued. "You will just make her realize that he is not the right guy for her."

Eloise shook her head, feeling bad for Max, but Caroline's happiness and her friendship meant more to her. 

"Max, if Lewis is not the right person for our Caroline then she will figure it out herself," Eloise tried to make him understand. 


"And if you really love her you will let her be happy."

Eloise gave Max a sympathetic look as he thought for a few seconds, his face clearly expressive enough to show the pain he is in. 

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now