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Caroline sighed as she entered her hotel room. The dinner with her dad really exhausted her, and it didn't help that he invited some other family members to dinner. What was supposed to just a quite dinner to catch up with her dad turned out to be a full family dinner.

She didn't waste any time and freshened up, ready to fall asleep, but once again her mind wandered to Max. She has to face him again once he goes back to Monaco or the next race weekend. 'Maybe I should just quit my job and stay in New York,' she thought.

She unlocked her phone and went on social media to check what is going on, if she missed any news. After a few scrolls and liking some photos of her friends and family and came across a new photo Kelly uploaded. It a recent photo of her with Max, both looking really happy. Caroline quickly liked the photo as she knows fans will speculate something since she always likes her friends' posts. She put her phone down and tried to go to sleep, trying hard not to think about Max.


Lewis smiled when he spotted Caroline at the fashion show talking to some people. He can't help but admire her in the red sparkly dress and of course her bright smile.

Caroline let out a silent laugh when her eyed landed on Lewis who was already walking towards her.

"Another coincidence," she smiled as he stopped in front of her.

"Another coincidence," he smiled back. "I really didn't expect to see you here."

"Then maybe I should leave."

"No no," Lewis chuckled. "I would enjoy the show more if you sit next to me."

After a few minutes of talking both took their seats and the show began and Caroline was really enjoying his company.

"So how is your teammate?" Lewis asked, wanting to know any updates from after the crash.

The smile on Caroline's face immediately faded but she quickly covered it up, but Lewis didn't fail to notice it.

"He is okay," she replied. "At least that's what he and the medic told me."


Usually, Caroline doesn't attend after parties but Lewis convinced her to go and she also thought having a few drinks will help. However, she forgot what happened when she last had drinks with Lewis and to her surprise, the same thing happened this time also.

She gasped when she opened her eyes and found herself in an unfamiliar room. She quickly sat up and covered herself properly as she looked around. Luckily the opposite side of the bed is empty but her clothes were lying on the floor along with the familiar clothes of the guys she spend the night with.

"Not again," she groaned as she ran her fingers through her messy hair. "What is wrong with me?"

Unlike the last time, she clearly remembers what happened last night. The memories immediately made her cheeks turn red.

She wrapped the sheet around her properly and was about to get out to bed and collect her clothes but just then the bathroom door opened and Lewis stepped out with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Planning to run away again?" he chuckled.

"Umm yes?" Caroline replied, trying not to look at him but failing miserably.

"You know we are both adults right?" he questioned as he walked towards her. "You don't have to sneak out every time."

"I know..but sneaking out makes things less awkward," she replied honestly.

Lewis let out a laugh and shook his head. Caroline's face was still red which amused him.

"Then let's try to make things less awkward," he suggested. "How about you go and wash up and I order breakfast?"


Caroline panicked for a few seconds as soon as she entered the bathroom and closed the door. She can't believe she slept with Lewis again, and from what she could remember she was the one who made the first move, and then Lewis took the lead.

"I am going to hell," she said to herself as she started the shower and stood under the water as it drenched her.

Meanwhile, Lewis cleaned up a bit and ordered breakfast like he said he would. The food arrived and he was about to place it on the table when Caroline walked out, wearing one of his shirts.

"Umm..thanks for the shirt," she shyly said.

"Looks good on you," he smirked, making her blush.

"Look Lewis...you are a great guy but..." she awkwardly played with her fingers. "You should know that I am not looking for any relationship and what happened last night is just..."

"Hey.. it's okay Caroline," he gave a comforting smile as he hold her hand, making her directly look at him. "If it makes you feel any better I am not looking for a relationship either. I just really like you and your company. And about last night, I enjoyed it and I know you did too."

"So..there is no misunderstanding or confusion?" she cautiously asked.

"None whatsoever," he assured her. "You don't have to worry."

Caroline smiled in relief as she sat on the edge of the bed. She failed to notice she didn't think about Max even once since last night.

"But if you want we can go for round two later," Lewis smirked.

And here Caroline thought New York was going to be uneventful.


A/N: Thoughts on Lewis and Caroline?

What will happen if Max finds out?

Does anyone else feels like Caroline's life is becoming too complicated?

What will happen next?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now