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Lewis watched the Red Bull drivers with jealousy laced in his eyes. Both were talking about something with their engineers and laughing, but the part that bothered him is Max and Caroline almost had their arms wrapped around each other. Of course to everyone it looks in a friendly manner but Lewis can’t help but glare and feel jealous.

“Careful Lewis, your jealousy is showing,” Toto warned the driver as he stood beside him. “People will notice.”

Lewis immediately look away and divert his attention to Toto who looked at bit amused as well as concerned.

“You are starting to like her,” Toto states the obvious. “Seems like someone went a little too deep in their assignment.”

“Don’t be silly,” Lewis argued. “Goal is still the same…to get her to join Mercedes.”

“Judging by the smile on her face it’s pretty clear she is happy in Red Bull,” Toto pointed out. “She is becoming a obstacle Lewis. As long as she is in Red Bull helping Max…”

“Yeah yeah I know,” Lewis cut him off, starting to feel irritated. His jaw clenched as soon as he looked at Caroline’s direction. Their engineers are gone and it’s just her and Max now. The way Max is looking at her makes him wants to go and break them apart, because that’s the way Lewis looks at Caroline too, of course she is too oblivious to notice.

“Try not to fall,” Toto patted his back before walking away.


“If you are not going to the party then I am not going,” Max said to his teammate as they walked into the Red Bull hospitality. “I am serious Care.”

“You sound like a high school student right now,” Caroline let out a laugh.

Max rolled his eyes.

“Kelly will be there with you so you will have company,” Caroline pointed out. “You won’t even feel my absence.”

“Yeah, about that…I am planning on breaking up with her,” Max quickly mumbled, trying not to look at Caroline. “And Daniel will haunt you if you don’t go to the party.”

“What did you just say?”

“Daniel will haunt you…”

“The other part genius,” she glared at him.

“I am planning on breaking up with Kelly…tomorrow after the race,” he replied, almost feeling guilty.

“What? Why?” Caroline gasped. “Max you won’t find anyone else like her… why would you even…”

“You know why,” Max let out a shaky breath as he directly looked into her eyes.

Caroline look stunned, unable to come up with any words. Before she could react Max gave her a soft smile before leaving her alone.


“Leclerc crashed Caroline,” her engineer informed. “Qualifying session as has been red flagged, they won’t restart.”

“Damn!” she hit her steering wheel. She was on a flying lap and was sure to secure a position in the front lap but due to the incident it won’t happen now.

“What position am I at?”

“You will start P3 and Max will start from P2.”

“Oh okay,” she sounded a little relieve. “We can work with that.”

After she got out of the car she just gave a nod to Max and went to give her interviews, trying to avoid speaking to him after their conversation earlier.

“Hey there,” Lewis stood in front of her, a gentle smile on his face.

“Hey,” she smiled back.

“Nice job today…”

“Could have been better,” she replied.

Lewis nodded in agreement. He too feel the same about his qualifying session but the difference is Caroline qualified higher than him.

“I wanted to ask you something…” he said, looking confident.

“And what exactly is that?” Caroline asked, matching if confidence.

“First, do you have any plans after the race?”

She was about to reply but was interrupted by her teammate’s girlfriend who approached her warmly.

“You did amazing today,” Kelly hugged her, making Lewis take a step back.

“Thanks,” Caroline replied nervously. She was having a hard time looking Kelly in the eye after what Max told her.

“I am keeping my fingers crossed for a double podium tomorrow,” Kelly smile and Caroline before sending a glare to Lewis.

“I am hoping for the same.”

Lewis was about to interrupt the two and continue his question but just then Caroline was called for debrief.

“Sorry Lewis, I will talk to you later,” she gave an apologetic look.

“I will find you,” he smiled.

Caroline gave a nod and walked away with Kelly making small talks with her.


A/N: Thoughts on Lewis?

Will Max really break up with Kelly?

Plot twist: Caroline and Kelly ends up together lol

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now