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"One more," Maria said as she and Eloise posed for another candid photo for Caroline to click as the breakfast in front of them started to get cold. 

Caroline reluctantly took another photo for the tenth time and handed the phone back to her friends so they could check their photos. 

"I think we should take one where we are both looking out of the window," Eloise suggested. 

"No," Caroline immediately shut her down as she has already started eating her breakfast. "You food is getting cold. Eat first and then we will take more photos."

Eloise pouted and put down her phone and Maria laughed at her childish behavior. "You are so strict, I already feel bad for your future children."

Caroline wanted to reply that she will never have kids, that's what she always replied when Eloise made a mom or kid comment in the past. But now the idea of having her own kids and family in the future with the right guy doesn't seem too bad, but it also scares her. 

She decided not to overthink it and continue eating as she has her schedule packed with interviews and meetings. 

She was startled when a small box was placed in front of her. She immediately looked up and saw Max. 

"What is this?" She asked as Max pulled a chair and joined the table. 

"Open it," Max replied as he took a bite from her plate. 

Caroline skeptically looked at the box and then at her friends who were waiting for her to open it. 

She shot Max a suspicious look, who was acting unbothered as he stole food from her plate, before she opened the box. 

Immediately she was hit by the sweet scent of the brownies and her eyes lit up. 

"It's been a while since you had any so…" Max gave her a smile. 

Eloise was about to take one but Max was quick enough to slap her hand away. 

"How do you know I haven't had any brownies?" Caroline asked as she took a bite. 

"Because it's our thing," Max shrugged. "And I know you won't buy it on your own."

"You know, you just ruined her diet for today right?" Eloise interrupted as she quickly snatched the box away before Max could stop her. 

"Care doesn't seem to mind," Max pointed at his teammate and she nodded her head. 

Maria took a bite and so did Eloise, which annoyed Max as he had bought it for Caroline only. 

"These are delicious," Maria stated. "Where did you buy these?"

"Oh umm… I asked Pierre and he told me about the best bakery nearby," Max shrugged, not giving the details. 

Eloise shot him a warning look as she realized what he was doing. 

Max ignored her warning glares and looked at Caroline. 

"Thank you, you are the best teammate I have ever had," Caroline smiled and gently squeezed his hand, making his heart skip a beat. This is the first time they had any physical contact in months. "And remind me to thank Pierre also."

Max smiled and nodded. 

Eloise cleared her throat and diverted the drivers' attention towards her. 

"Don't you two have an interview to get to?"

"Umm.." Caroline checked her watch. "Yeah.. It's in half an hour, we have to go."

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin