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"What is the matter with you?" Eloise asked as Caroline dragged her suitcase, on her way to board her plane. 

"Nothing," Caroline lied quickly. "Why did you ask that?"

"Because you have been deep in thoughts since yesterday," Eloise pointed out. "Are you still thinking about Silverstone?"

"No, it's not that," Caroline assured her friend. "But something else happened," She bit her lips nervously as she remembered the kiss. 

"What happened?" Eloise gave her a suspicious look. 

Caroline looked around to see if no one was around then. 

"Valtteri kissed me," She quickly replied and kept her voice low. "And I kissed him back."

"WHAT?" Eloise yelled as her eyes went wide. 

Max, who was not far away immediately looked at them, curious about what was going on. 

"Keep your voice low," Caroline warned her friend. 

"Okay, okay," Eloise nodded. "But you have to tell me everything."


"Did you sign the contract?" Lewis asked Valtteri who was absentmindedly scrolling through his phone. 

"Hmm?" Valtteri looked up. "What contract?"

"Your contract with Alfa Romeo," Lewis clarified. 

Valtteri put down the phone and sat up straight. He always dreads the topic of him leaving Mercedes and moving to another team and driving a car which doesn't have the potential to win the championship. 

"The negotiations are still going on," Valtteri replied. "I am trying to see if I get to stay another year with Mercedes."

"I don't think it's going to work," Lewis said. "Toto has made up his mind to give the seat to George since Caroline rejected his offer."

"So that's it then?" Valtteri huffed in defeat. "There goes my chance to win a championship in the future."

"If it makes you feel any better, I am going to miss my wingman," Lewis joked, trying to lighten the mood but only managed to make it worse. 

Hearing Lewis' words immediately made Valtteri remember what Caroline said, and after that it only took him a second to remember the kiss. 

"Can I ask you for some personal advice?" Lewis asked while Valtteri's mind was busy thinking about Caroline. 

"Sure," Valtteri nodded his head. 

"It's about Caroline actually," Lewis explained. 

Valtteri felt a little nervous and awkward as he knew the history between Lewis and Caroline. 

"As you know, I messed up pretty badly," Lewis felt guilty even by mentioning that. "She did forgive me, which is a good thing but she…"

"She doesn't want to get back with you," Valtteri completed his sentence. "And now you want my advice on how to get her back?"

Lewis nodded, feeling relief that his teammate understands his dilemma. 

"There was a time she would sneak in to see me just for a second and now she doesn't even look at me," Lewis explained and Valtteri can clearly see that he is sad. 

"She feels betrayed, Lewis," Valtteri replied. "Even if she forgave you she is not ready to trust you easily," He explained. 

"But how can I do that?" Lewis asked. "She won't even talk to me."

"That's for you to figure out," Valtteri smirked. He knows there is a very little chance Caroline will get back with Lewis. 


"We are going to Mykonos," Max said as soon as Daniel opened the door and he barged into Daniel's house. 

"What?" Daniel looked confused. "Who is going to Mykonos? And good morning to you too Max," He said the last part sarcastically. 

"Yeah yeah good morning," Max rolled his eyes as he closed the door. 

"Good," Daniel smiled. "Now explain what is going on and who is going to Mykonos?"

"I overheard Care and Eloise talking that they… along with Maria are going to Mykonos for the summer break," Max explained. 

"Maria is going to Mykonos?" Daniel asked as he was caught by surprise since she didn't say anything about it to him. 

"Yes, she didn't tell you?" Max pretended to not know anything about, but the truth is he is completely aware that Daniel is not being too serious about his relationship with Maria and she is trying to play hard to get and not tell where she is going for the break, according to what he heard Caroline and Eloise discussing. 

"She didn't tell me," Daniel replied. "And Eloise didn't tell me anything either…my own sister keeping secrets from me."

"That's why I thought it will be good if you and I go to Mykonos and join them," Max cautiously said, not wanting to give away his intentions. "Because you know..anything can happen during vacations.."

Daniel was confused for a second but then understood what Max was implying. 

"Book the tickets now," He ordered Max as he hurried to check if Maria sent him any texts regarding her plans. 

"I already did," Max replied. 

"And don't think I don't know why you are going to Mykonos with me," Daniel yelled from his bedroom as he checked his text messages. 

"I don't know what you mean," Max nervously yelled back. 

"One word..Caroline."


A/N: why did I added Valtteri into this mess? 😭😭 how am I going to balance three love interests? 😭😭😭

What do you think will happen in Mykonos?

For some reason I feel like Care and Valtteri would be perfect together. A perfect enemies to frenemies to lovers story. Both ending up together against all odds and struggles.

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now