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Just as Caroline expected the whole meeting with her mom's new husband and his family was a disaster. Most of the time during dinner she and her new step-siblings were sharing awkward looks while the newly married couple went on and on about their relationship and wedding. And then an argument broke out when one of the step-siblings asked if they have signed a prenup. Caroline couldn't help but roll her eyes when they said "you don't need a contract when you love each other." Her mom and dad loved each other, yet they cheated and tried to rob each other of their assets.

She hoped the argument kept on going cause as soon as it subsided, everyone's attention turned to her, wanting to know more about her and her life.

"As you all know, my Caroline is a formula one driver," Diana, Caroline's mom proudly said to her new family. "She had a race the weekend we got married, that's why she was not able to attend."

Caroline awkwardly smiled.

"So you are one of those people who prioritize work over family," Stephen, her new stepfather commented.

Caroline looked at her mom to see if she is going to say something on her behalf but instead, she just tried to laugh it off. Caroline can't help but feel like she was let down by her mom once again.

"Well, we can't all be perfect like my mom who has always prioritized her family and her only child," Caroline gave a sarcastic smile.

Diana glared at her daughter, asking her not to say anything else.

"And do you plan to continue racing once you get married and start your family?" Stephen asked. "Clearly your husband and children would much prefer if you..."

"I don't plan on getting married or having kids," Caroline cut in.

"What?" Diana looked shocked. "Darling, you have no idea what you are saying. You will give away everything a woman ever wants in her life just for racing cars?"

"That's the plan," Caroline gave another sarcastic smile. "Otherwise I am afraid I am gonna turn out like you...or dad. And trust me I really don't want to end up like either of you."

The whole table got silent.

Diana nervously looked around, as no one knows the truth about why her marriage ended with her first husband.

"That is not the way to talk to your mother," Stephen defended his wife.

"You are right, I am sorry," Caroline apologized as she stood up. "Enjoy the rest of the dinner."

"Where are you going?" Diana asked her daughter.

"Back to my hotel."

As soon as she left her mom started throwing a fait infront of her husband about never having her own grandkids.


Caroline was glad she didn't accept her mom's offer on staying in her new home with her new family. As soon as she entered her hotel room she took off her heel and laid down on her bed, her eyes staring at the ceiling. Maybe she crossed a line when she was rude at the dinner table but it was not the first time and she is sure it's not going to be the last.

A tired smile appeared on her face as her phone started ringing. She didn't bother to sit up and just accepted the call. Her smile got a little bigger as Max's face appeared on the screen.

"How did it go?" he asked straight away.

"Not great," Caroline sighed.

"Their fault or yours?" he chuckled. He can clearly see that she is tired.

"Both..husband number four implied that women's only job is to get married and take care of kids and mommy dearest..well, she hasn't changed a bit," Caroline explained. "And I almost lashed out."

"How long do you think this marriage is going to last?" Max asked as Caroline predicted the duration of her mom's last marriage perfectly.

"Hard to say," Caroline thought for a second. "Maybe six to eight months. Care to bet?"

"No no," Max shook his head. "I have already learned my lesson."

Caroline laughed as she remembered how grumpy Max gets when he loses.

"Wait hang on, getting another call," she checked the caller id. "It's dad."

"It's okay, we will talk when you get back from London," Max smiled before disconnecting the call.

Caroline took a deep breath before answering the call, glad that it was just a voice call and not a face time.

"Hey dad," she greeted. "How are y.."

"How is that new guy? Please tell me he is a dickhead," her dad cut her off.


"Your mom's new husband."

"Oh!..yeah he..I don't like him," she replied.

"Yes!" her dad cheered on the other side of the phone. "Once again she will realize how good she had with me."

That's the thing about her parents, they like to bring each other down and can't seem to tolerate it when the other one is happy.

"You both cheated on each other," Caroline tiredly said.

"Ehh..we were fine before you came along," her father said bluntly. "And then not able to balance you and work lead to the cheating part..but other than that we were one happy family."

Caroline rolled her eyes. Her dad has a tendency of speaking without giving any thought and by now she has got used to it very well.

"How is racing going?" her dad asked.

"It's going well."

"You know I don't watch that stuff but text me if you win any races."

"I will dad," Caroline lied. She did text him when she won her first two races but didn't get any response so she stopped informing him.

"Okay you sound tired so I am just going to end the call," her dad said. "But don't forget to let me know when that new guy messes up and Diana gets divorced again."

"okay dad," Caroline sounded unamused as she ended the call.

Sometimes she wishes she had a sibling who can listen to her and understand her family problems but at the same time she is glad that she is the only child and her parents didn't mess up any more kids.


A/N: Does anyone else feel bad for Caroline?

This chapter is just to show how her family is.

Do you think Caroline will want marriage and kids in the future if she falls for the right guy? And who might be the right guy for her?

HIM AND I - Max Verstappen x OC x Lewis HamiltonWhere stories live. Discover now