Elastic heart

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Looking at images of District 4 on the screen most of it remained intact which was surprising seeing as three of the individuals causing the most problems hailed from there but there was one thing that wasn't surprising and that was the fact that Victors village had been sealed off from the rest of the Districts. Our homes were now shells of what they once had been now no one lived in them. I'd thought that maybe I would grow old in them, surrounded by the people I loved but that was now a distant dream.

"You'll see it again one day, I promise" Coming to stand next to me Cato's eyes scanned over the images of a District he had never been to.

"Yeah, if it doesn't get burnt to the ground first"

"They've left it alone so far"

"Why?" Turning to face him it was a perfectly reasonable question. Why had they left 4 untouched whilst 12 had been burnt, whilst we'd reduced 2 to rubble and 11 and been turned to ash. Why weren't they attacking the home of three rebellious victors? No one else's homes still stood. Just ours. "Why not burn it to teach us a lesson"

"Because leaving it untouched will hurt you more" Not what I was expecting him to say and the look on my face clearly displayed that thought. "It's a waiting game isn't it? The paranoia it causes knowing they could attack at any moment and there's nothing you can do to stop it.. It will be the last thing they do, the last attempt to break you." Taking my hand his arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me in closer. "Don't let them ever see you break" Mimiking the words he said to me before he went into his games it took me back to a few years ago when everything seemed a little more normal. A time when I knew I could go home and that whilst I would never fully be safe I wasn't in constant danger.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this"

"Don't be, I would of and will follow you anywhere"

"Even to hell?"

"Especially to hell" Kissing the side of my head I felt a faint sense of security which was something I had always yearned for but never been given. Hearing a cough from behind us Finnick was leant against the doorway, his face stone cold and eyes like pits

"Am I interrupting?" He asked.

"No, what's up?" Pulling away slightly from Cato he didn't say anything just looked at the floor as Finnicks eyes flicked between both of us and the screen behind us. 

"Coin wants you, both of you"


"I don't know. A strategy plan or something. We're all going" Nodding none of us said anything else and went along with Finnick to the briefing room where all the other victors except for Annie and Peeta were sat around a table with 13's top commanders. Looking up, Coin was the only one who even held a resemblance of a calm demeanour. Whatever this was, it was not good.

"Ah, there you are. Come, sit" Motioning to the chair next to Haymitch he looked unbelievably tense at what was to come, maybe he already knew that the reaction this meeting would evoke was not a desired one. Clapping her hands together it was in that moment that i saw the burst veins in her eyes, how they bloodied the whites and aged her by a considerable amount. She had not looked young this entire time but now I truly saw what a lack of daylight and sleep did to someone. "We got word from the Capitol this morning"

"And?" Finnick pressed.

"President Snow has requested a meeting, a private meeting with her" Looking towards me everyone elses' eyes followed suit.

"Not happening" Leaning forward Finnick was the first to interrupt the silence but it was his opinion on this that probably mattered the least.

"Mr Odair" Plutarch tried to calm him but Finnick wasn't having any of it. Standing up he looked around at everyone like they were crazy for even considering letting it happen.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now