Good and Evil

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Snow had called me, well he had rather demanded that I appear in the meeting room Immediately the next day. Walking in Cato was already there with a bunch of other people that I couldn't tell you the names of even if my life depended on it. Someone else had pulled up video footage of Katniss in what looked like a hospital. What the hell did she think she was doing?

"Sir, some cameras were damaged in the bombings, but we confirmed its her" No shit.

"What District is that?" I asked

"8" Snow told me but the way his eyes watched me, the way he raised an eyebrow had me concerned. "Zoom in" Giving an order the screen dove deeper.

"She was visiting a makeshift hospital. We're not sure if she's still there" If she was smart she wouldn't be. " We can scramble the hovercraft from the border of 11. We may be able to target her" Target her and a whole lot of others.

"And kill who-knows how many other innocent people? Oh that's sure to squash any rebellion" Spitting back at him the man raised an eyebrow at my sudden outburst.

"Kill the wounded" Turning on Snow he was insane, even Cato looked uneasy at the command


"You wrote that speech yourself, Egeria" So that was the mans name. " Any association with the Mockingjay symbol is forbidden. Everyone inside that hospital has committed treason. Show them what it costs to be friends with Katniss Everdeen"

"No!" Slamming my hands down on the table Snow pursed his lips.

" I'll assume you have an opinion Miss Monroe"

"You kill those people! You'll fuel a fire that will not be extinguished!" Not by me, not by him, not by anyone. If all those people died it would just create more anger and anger was diabolical at this moment in time. "This isn't about Katniss, this is about your need for control. You can no longer control the Districts through fear"

"Send them" Giving his final order everyone in the room disappeared and i slumped back into the seat. "You see you're wrong Miss Monroe, I can control them through fear and I will" Smashing my face into my hands this was completely absurd. There was no sense in it and no much how he tried to say there was I could never be a part of something like this. Glancing over towards Cato he was still holding the same look he had moments previously, why the hell was he not saying anything? He didn't agree with this and Snow was more likely to listen to what he had to say than what I had to say. Eyes switching to me he shook his head. That was it! That was all he was going to do? Shaking his head as a way to tell me to stand down? Turning my attention back to the screen it would take minutes for the hellicarriers to arrive and wipe that hospital to the ground and all those innocent people with it. Feeling the burn in my throat i tried to swallow it but the sting just moved to my eyes. Choking back the tears as the carriers were within reaching distance I watched as they dropped bomb after bomb but thes ones weren't aimed at the hospital, instead they were aimed at a few people trying to shield from the damage. Katniss! Straightening up i muttered silent words of encouragement for her to get the hell out of there. Watching more horrors unravel they all headed towards the hospital which erupted into flames, the screams of the trapped inside ringing out for the entire nation to hear. How could anyone do this to their people? When they had sworn to keep them them safe. Closing my eyes I wasn't sure that I could take much more until I heard someone talking over the other end of the line.

"Katniss? Katniss, can you tell everyone what you're seeing right now? Katniss, what do you want to say?" Was someone there recording her? Who were these people?

"I want the rebels to know that I'm alive! That I'm in District 8 where the Capitol just bombed a hospital filled with unarmed men, women and children! There will be no survivors! If you think for one second that the Capitol will ever treat us fairly you are lying to yourselves! Because we know who they are and what they do" Pointing towards the burning hospital behind her this sure was emotive, ti had me waiting in baited breath. "This is what they do! And we must fight back! I have a message for President Snow. You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground. But do you see that? Fire is catching and if we burn you burn with us!" Cutting to a black screen everyone was left looking shocked and maybe even a little scared? Pushing myself up from the chair I couldn't hep but laugh, the irony of it all.

"It wasn't Katniss who started the revolution President Snow, oh no. You just started it all by yourself. If they weren't following her then they sure as hell are now!" I was following her even if I couldn't do anything right now because I knew there was going to be a time and a day when I could fight back and help burn the Capitol to the ground.

"Well it is your job to make sure they don't" Was he kidding me?

"You just bombed a hospital full of people! There's nothing I can do to save that, you just added fuel to the fire and she engulfed the flames" She was the Mockingjay after all.

"Well i suggest you think of something Miss Monroe, your life does depend on it after all" I heard the threat, that if I couldn't do something i was gone and there would be nothing anyone could do to save me. "You'll be addressing the nation tonight. Make them believe that Miss Everdeen is a threat"

"What about Peeta?" I asked.

"He'll be doing something separately. I don't think having you two together for this would be what is best" Nodding I didn't have it in me to argue with him right now so i chose to leave before anymore damage could be inflicted on this already devastating situation. Following me out of the room Cato was by my side within two strides but he didn't say anything until we were completely out of ear shot of anyone else.

"You shouldn't have argued" He said, the regret heavy on his voice.

"Are you ever going to stand up for anything or are you just going to stand there like a damp towel the entire time?" He had been no use since the moment I had gotten here.

"It's not that easy"

"He'll listen to you"

"Chloe I am trying to keep us alive because you seem to have no problem with courting death!"

"Do you ever get bored of playing both sides? Or is it so engrained that you can no longer tell the difference between good and evil? Because let me tell you something Cato Hadley, what just happened in there was pure evil!" He'd sat back and let it all happen without even uttering a single word.

"There was a time when they considered you to be evil" Stopping mid stride my arm was pressed against his neck and he was struggling to breath as i crushed his windpipe.

"What i did was nothing compared to what that man has done for the last 6 years! Nothing!" Spitting venom Cato's eyes were widened as he struggled for oxygen, whilst he might have been bigger and stronger than me I was immovable when I desired it. " I did what I had to do to survive so never ever compare me to him again!" Pulling him forward slightly i rammed his head back into the concrete and he gasped in pain as I walked away.

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