I'm only human

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Eyes fluttering open the light from outside filled my room or it would have done if this actually was my room. Looking around none of this was what I had recently become accustomed to, in fact it closely resembled the house I had been forced into in Victors Village back in District 4. Was I home? Actually home? Getting out of the bed that i more often than not had found myself screaming in from the nightmares that still plagued my every thought it occurred to me that I actually felt awake for once, that maybe I had slept through the entire night. Hearing a crash come from downstairs sent my heart racing, making me immediatly go into attack mode. Grabbing for the knife that I always left on my bed side counter i walked gingerly to the stairs.

"Mags? Annie? Is that you?" Only those two would come into my house uninvited, no one else was that stupid. When no response came i went further down and saw a smashed bowl with pancake mix scattered across the floor. What the hell was going on? Had my assailant decided he was feeling peckish before murdering me? Stepping around the corner my heart stopped. "Rickie?" Jumping up from the floor my brother, my twin was stood infront of me, covered in flour and very much alive.

"Sorry Clo, I wanted to surprise you before the reaping" Mouth slightly parted he began to tell me how he knew I'd be nervous, how I always was so he'd come to try and comfort me but then the cat had scared him.

"Cat? I don't have a cat"

"What do you mean? Cato bought you Kovu after he won the games" Pointing towards the black as night cat that was lazily sprawled across the counter, its tail whipping through the air I had no memory of ever owning a cat but that wasn't the main concern I had with what he had just said.


"Yeah, your husband?" Husband! "Chloe are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I just had the strangest dream." That we'd gone into our games together, that I'd killed him, that Cato had died and then we'd all had to go back in, that I'd been captured by the Capitol.

" I thought those had ended?" He asked giving me a wearily look. Shrugging my shoulders i went to grab a cup of coffee off the counter but someone else grabbed it first.

"Thought what had ended?" Smirking down at me Cato, looking better than he had ever looked was stood drinking the cup I had wanted

"She's been having strange dreams again" Rickie told him picking up the final piece of the glass bowl and putting it in the bin

" What? The ones where you kill him and i die in my games?" He knew!? How did he know? Why couldn't i remeber anything? Stumbling backwards Cato reached out to keep me upright " Chloe what's wrong with you? Have you been drinking?" I don't know, had I? It was a possibility, it might explain why I couldn't remember a god damn thing about anything. Putting my hands up to my head i sat on one of the stools .

"I don't know, everything feels blurred" The worried glance between my brother and my 'husband' didn't go unnoticed, was I going crazy? " Where's Finnick?" I asked

"Finnick? Probably getting ready for the reaping why?" Cato asked a slight tone of jealously falling off his words, what reason could he possibly have to be jealous of him

"Or maybe he knew his best friend would need him so eh came over specially" Walking towards me with open arms I didn't hesitate in hugging him back. "God you look awful, did you not sleep last night?"

"Somethings wrong" I mumbled hugging him tightly.

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong. You're just nervous because of the reaping, you get like this every year" He tried to assure me but it felt scripted, like he had been told to say this to me over and over again until each word lost its meaning and even he didn't believe what he was saying. Pulling away I watched his every move as he began to make his own coffee, it was too perfect, every movement. Looking down for just a moment it was enough time for everything to fall apart infront of me. Blood splattered up the walls, across the floor and on my face. Mouth falling open Cato dropped to the floor, his throat slit from side to side, Finn licking the blood from his knife. Screaming louder than I had ever screamed before Rickie ran around to try and fight Finn but he'd already stabbed my brother in the heart.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now