Real or not

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There he was, stood right in front of me still wearing the cocky, arrogant look of entitlement that he used to wear so well. Whatever the game makers had created they had done it perfectly, he was exactly the way i saw him the last time except a few adjustments which i assumed were scars from the games before he had died.

"You're dead" gripping the sword tighter he chuckled lightly before taking a hand through his hair and taking a step closer.

"Am i?" He asked still smirking at me.

"I watched you die, you were torn to shreds and then i watched them bury you so whatever games they are trying to play with my head they wont work" glancing up at the sky i knew this was being broadcast and i knew the effect it would have on his family, how they would be sat crying over their lost son, over what could have been if Katniss had never got in the way and made people believe in her.

" Did you? Or was that just what they wanted you all to see?" Why was he answering my questions with questions? Glancing over my shoulder everyone was still there watching on in shock and confusion. "They can't hear me. All they can do is watch as you suffer for what you did"

"What did i do?" I asked shrugging because anything i had done had already been matched by someone else. We all had our tricks and our little games, it's how we won. Looking at whatever they had created there was something about his eyes that set me on edge, they were exactly the same, almost as if they had plucked them from his corpse with the intention of doing this. "What did i do that made them design a section exclusively for me?" Asking him he didn't say anything but continued to smirk at me as if he knew that he was in my head but nobody ever got into my head and if they did they didn't make it back out. "What made them recreate a version of you to torment me?"

"You still think i'm Not real?"

"I know you arn't" chuckling at me once again it was starting to make me even more uneasy but they were not going to win.

"If i'm Not real then explain how i have this?" Holding up his hand a chain was dangling from it with my engagement ring attacked to the loop. Feeling my heart skip a beat i held my breath before swallowing it.

"How did you get that? I left that on"

"My coffin? Yeah i know" pulling the chain back up into his hand this was not real, he was not real. This was just another way for them to mess with my head. They must have just created a new version to mess with me, that was the only plausible explanation. "Never had you down for being sentimental" he smirked.

"I'm not" I said but his eyes flicked to the sword grasped in my hand.

"Oh really?" Taking it from me I didn't even make a move to stop him as he began to swing it around just as he did last year. "Why did you pick this up? It's not like you need it or maybe you do. Maybe you know you can't do to them what you did to the others, what you did to your brother" inhaling sharply whatever was stood before me seemed to know he had struck an nerve and I could have sworn I saw regret in it's eyes but it was quickly gone. "Oh but I forgot you don't care, you don't care what you did to them and why would you ? You got to go home so why wouldn't you do the same this time? Why are they all still alive Chloe?" Turning me around he made me look at the group of people I respected and loved who were watching with concern. "Why is the girl who shot me and fed me to the dogs still alive ? She robbed you of the life you were meant to have" he was right in a way. Katniss had in a way caused all of this. The capital hadn't been happy with me but they had been willing to let it lie if I'd done what was expected of me. "Why is the boy who got you and your brothers names pulled for this still alive? Why is he allowed to live when your brother had to die because of him? The Chloe I know would have ripped him to shreds by now but maybe you arnt her anymore. You're weak" he breathed into my ear. Pulling away I brought up my elbow to smash him in the face but his arm blocked it and I ended up on the floor gasping for breath. Laughing as he placed a boot on my chest to stop me from getting up I was growing angrier.

"If you're going to kill me just do it" i spat

"But deaths so final" he pouted. "And I'm having fun"

"I wonder if your parents are. Do you think they're having fun watching this?" Striking a nerve he pressed down harder but it just made me more confused. Why would a mutt care what I was saying? Making the decision to carry on I had to know what game they were trying to play with me " Did they have fun watching you die? Because I did. It gave me great pleasure to watch you die and know that I wouldn't have to marry you" anger grew in his eyes and with every second he pressed down harder. Forcing a smile I tried to laugh as best I could. "Katniss winning was the best thing that ever happened to me because she saved me from you" grabbing the top of my suit I was hauled to me feet and held up to his face.

"You should really watch your mouth" he warned.

"I will when you tell me what I did to deserve the honour of having a section to myself" eyes softening then hardening again he let me go and pushed me away


"What about him?"

"You love him" laughing again this was getting too much.

"Yeah right now tell me the real reason" glaring at me I stopped laughing. Cocking an eyebrow I couldn't believe that was what they had made him say.

"I asked them to make this section for you. So I could confront you" he said looking angrier than I had ever seen him alive

"YOUR DEAD! You didn't ask them to do anything and even if you were rea which your not why would you think that?"

"I can see it. I've been watching all this time how you two interact. He loves you and you love him you just don't want to admit it because then ou have to admit that you've forgiven him for getting your brother killed. And you have to admit that what we had was a load of crap!"

"I don't love him"

"Keep telling yourself that" turning away from me it was almost like he couldn't bare to see my face. Forgetting that he wast real for a moment I took a step forward and reached out for his arm gently.

"Cato" I whispered pulling him back to face me. Seeing a single tear form in his eye he tried to wipe it away but I held his hand back. "I loved you and I don't know if you knew that before you died because I never told you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't show you what you meant to me when you were alive but I'm choosing to believe that a part of you is here and you're hearing me right now. Finnick is the only person that has been constant in my life. Whether we were friends or not he was still there, I can't ignore that and yeah I guess I do love him because of it but I can't keep holding onto you when your not coming back" now it was my turn to let the tears form. Leaning down towards Mei held my breath because the closer he was the more likely he could kill me.

"I told you not to let them see you break" whispering in my ear. Pulling back in shock my mouth was open as I fell backwards onto the ground once again.

"How do you know about that?" I asked with a broken and quite voice.

"Because it's what I told you in case i didn't come back" there was no way any of them could have known about that, it wasn't possiable, this wasn't possiable. "This is real Chloe" shaking my head viscously I put my hands over my ears to stop the sound of his voice getting into my head but his hands pulled them away. Trying to fight against him I screamed at the top of my lungs but he just kept shouting my name. "CHLOE!"

"Your not real"

"Close your eyes" he commanded. Close my eye and end up dead is what I heard. "Please" his voice was soft and somehow I found my self doing it. Scrunching my eyes shut a flash of white light that would have blinded me if they were open flooded my eye lids. When it disappears and I opened my eyes I was alone but the feeling of a compression on my finger pulled my attention towards it. Looking down the ring that had started it all was back on my finger and reality hit me like a train.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now