Until the end

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Maybe I will never be who I was before and if I'm honest I wasn't even sure if I knew her anymore. That girl had died in the arena and left a liar, a con artist in her place. The capital would see the girl they had created, the girl that struck fear into the hearts of many but was still loved if you could even call it that, it was more like obsession because I was an object to them for Snow to torment at will.We all were! The truth of what happened during my games had now become a repressed memory, Finnick didn't know that I knew and I wasn't sure if I was ready to tell him yet. A part of me was angry for him not telling me and letting me think all these years that he didn't want to be friends and that me and my brother going in together was just an unfortunate event.

Staying in my room I had barely left it since I got on the train, I hadn't wanted anyone to see me because I couldn't be sure that they would even understand what was happening inside my head. I knew we were nearly there, probably about 10 minutes away. Everything passing by was looking more and more formal and the outfits on people seemed to get brighter by the minute and more extravagant. A knock on the door pulled me from the window and turning to face the doorway Finnick leant against the frame all high and mighty with a smirk that could easily sell his lies to anyone.
" Times up sweet cheeks, it's time to face reality "
" Maybe my reality is different to yours " pushing past him a hand gripped my arm and his face got within inches of mine
" whether you like it or not we're going to have to work together "
"Why? So you can plant a trident in my back and say it was what's best for me because that won't work this time" raising an eyebrow at me in confusion his eyes were a sea of thoughts that exposed every ounce of pain he was feeling
"I'm not sure what you mean Monroe"
"When were you going to tell me about my brother huh Ginnick? When were you going to tell me why you stopped being friends with me ? Were you going to wait till I was as good as dead or where you never going to say a word? Eyes wide he stared on in shock, letting out a small laugh I pulled my arm from his grasp
"That's what I thought" storming into the lounge all the avoxs looked to the ground as the train came to a halt.
" Lets get this over and done with" I stated as Finnick appeared looking defeated but the smirk was soon there as soon as the doors opened and we were greeted by eruptions from the crowd as they reached out to touch us. Waving and smiling just seemed to encourage them even more tho I guess I saw t as my own fuck you to the Capitol. Being hurried a long by the peace keepers the crowd soon disappears but the sound being produced didn't, smiles dropping sighs left our bodies taking some of the tension with them.
"So the rumours are true" I wish I could have said that I was suprised to hear the district one accent but I wasn't.
" Scared Gloss?" Turning to face him he easily towered over me but I couldn't break face, my smirk was easily returned and if I was completely honest  if I was threatened by anyone it was him . Letting out a laugh he leaned in getting closer to my face
"Nope " smirking at him my arm wrapped his shoulders and my legs swept his from under him sending him crashing to the ground
"You should be" pulling back I blew a kiss before walking away to join Finnick at the elevator, as the other victors wand and their mentors looked on in amusement if not a little fear. Finnick, his eyes remained on Gloss the entire time and I wasn't going to stop it. If I had my way district one would go down first, would serve them right the cocky, arrogant arseholes. You'd think that they owned the place.
"You shouldn't have done that" Tiger shrilled. Shrugging my shoulders I stepped into the elevator
" If I didn't someone else would have" so simple but so true. Not saying another word everyone joined us before the moving contraption shot to the fourth floor. Stepping out into our apartment nothing had changed, everything was still swirls of green and blue and smelt of the comforting sea that reminded us of home, something we would never see again.
"Chloe?" Annie's small voice fell out of her lips as her hand fell on mine
"You'll be okay Annie"
"I don't care about me I care about you" turning to face her her eyes were brimming with tears. Letting the fake persona fall from my face I pulled her into a hug and letting the tears fall from my own eyes. Feeling another pair of arms Mags had joined the embrace . Putting one arm around her Tiger couldn't control herself and started sobbing before she as well joined our own embrace. Looking over Finnick was stood looking slightly awkward,
"Until the end " I said holding out my arm for him to join and in that moment our district was united, we were not weak we were strong in each other's arms.

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now