Down with the victors

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I remember when I first came out of the arena. I thought to myself " you just have to keep going " but how could I carry on with no family left to run to my winning had killed my brother and Finnick was no longer there. A few years have passed since then but it didn't make the pain any less real and being forced to leave Haymitch hurt more than I had expected. It tore apart my heart not knowing what was happening as I watched the world pass by in a blur. Life is cruel, as soon as you start to pull yourself together something comes and knocks you right back to the start. Staring out of The window the sea suddenly started to appear in my vision and I was home. Arriving at the station I didn't wait to get my stuff and instead just headed straight for Victors village. I always got a strange feeling when I stepped through the gates, it's home but it's not.  I had only been away a day but it felt wrong. Hearing footsteps behind me Annie was running to catch up
" your back?" She asked
" yeah something's kicking off in 12 so they sent me back" I didn't feel like explaining what really happened to her and she didn't pry. That's what I loved about Annie she never asked anything, maybe it was her games that had sent her insane or maybe she just understood
" the Quell is being announced at 9" her voice was shaky and quite. She felt something was wrong but I didn't ask either. Reaching my house I hugged her goodbye before closing the door and fading into the walls

The hours had passed and the time had come. The time that I should be spending with Haymitch but was instead stuck inside a house that was cold and empty. Turning on the TV Snows image filled the screen and anger boiled my blood. He was a killer more than we were. He sighed out death sentences that were uncalled for. It was all him! Clearing his throat an entire nation waited in bated breath ready for whatever harshness was going to fall upon us
"On the 25th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their children were dying because of their choice to initiate violence, every district  was made to hold an election and vote on the tributes who would represent it" where was he going with this?
"On the 50th anniversary as a reminder that two rebels died for each Capitol citizen, every district was required to send twice as many tributes" that was Haymitchs year, the year he had cheated the game and won. " and now we honour our third Quarter Quell. On the 75th anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that even the strongest among them cannot overcome the power of the capitol, the male and female tributes will be reaped from their existing pool of victors" I couldn't tell you when the screams started or when they finished but they were ear piercing, each one filled with unimaginable pain and fear .Sprinting for the door and throwing myself at the railings I slumped to the floor letting the tears fall down my face. Screams were still coming from Annie's house and the sound of smashing objects flooded out of Finnicks door. This was the reprocussion of Katniss's actions. Breathing deeply the cold air made my chest hurt. This would never be over and I knew what I had to do. Heading over to Annie's I didn't bother knocking  but instead walked straight into her house and found her curled up rocking back and forth in her lounge
"Annie?" The creating stopped but the tears didn't . Pulling her into a hug my shoulder stifled her sobs a small amount but they were still so loud
" I'm going back in , if they call your name I'm going to volunteer for you and the same goes for Mags " shaking her head I knew she was thankful but she just couldn't get it out
" Annie I'm going to Mags to tell her okay? I'll be back soon" leaving the house the sound of screaming started up again and the smashing objects never ceased. I should have gone to him but I couldn't forgive him, not yet. Reaching Mags house she was sat in her sofa staring blankly at the the to screen which had gone black. As soon as she saw me she started to sign . Shaking my head at her she looked genuinely sad
"I can't let you do that Mags, you mean to much to us all. I'm going back in with Finnick and we need you to look out for us and besides you deserve to die here, in your home, in your district. I doesn't bother me if I die in there" signing back to her her face grew even grave as she tried to argue but I wouldn't let her
"Go see Finnick, he needs you" he didn't need me that much he had made clear
"If I go see him will you promise to let me go back in " nodding her head slowly I wasn't sure if i believed her but I wasn't about to go back on my word and more important things were playing in my mind. Would Peeta volunteer for Haymitch? He's got to, I need him too. I couldn't go into that arena with the man who had become my family. Our street was empty as usual except for one person standing on his steps staring blankly into the distance . Walking over I didn't know what to say, I didn't like Finnick and I sure as hell wasnt prepared to comfort him but I guess we were both feeling the same thing and I knew his heart would be breaking at the thought of Annie going back in because he wouldn't give a damn about himself
"How could they do this to us, we were promised peace" his words echoed loudly and cracked at the end
"Were the puppets, we break away and they break us you know that. I'm the one that's going back in."
"What?" He asked flipping his head to face me
" Mags doesn't deserve it and she wouldn't last long in there and as for Annie it wouldn't be right. I'm quicker, stronger and less unstable in the nicest way possible" each word I spoke was laced with the truth. Turning around I started to walk away before his voice stopped me in my tracks
"I know how badly thy messed you up"
"They messed us all up, each of us is a shell of what we used to be no matter how good we pretend we're fine" shaking his head at made me confused
" It was different with you, your brother was in there with you and you didn't help him, you helped district 12 even though they had no chance of winning " why was he bringing this up? It hurt to remember and I knew it always would
"They were practically infants. 12! Both of them! Rickie made his choice, he joined the careers even when I begged him not to and I made mine and I have to live with that everyday but like the rules say. 24 go in and only 1 comes out and turns out we are that 1. I wish so hard that it had been anyone but me, the nightmares come and go but there always the same, seeing the life leave my brothers eyes or twelve dying in my arms " the tears had began to form as Finn reached for my a but I snapped it away from him
" Dong pretend to feel sorry for me because I might do something stupid and believe it" turning around I left the one person who could break me, the one person who knew me better than I knew myself alone to contemplate the event that had unfolded today that tore our world apart

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now