Time is running out

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Walking back towards the water where Peeta and Katniss were i assumed that the helicopter had already come and picked district 6 up as her body was nowhere to be seen, the only trace of her ever having been there was the slightly red tinged sand which was now fading away into the water. Throwing the arrows down next to Katniss she nodded her thanks before washing them off. About to sit down next to her the eruption of screaming catches my attention. Standing rigid all of us watched as a wave higher than any of the trees rose up and sent that part of the jungle into a vibration.

"Get away from the water!" I screamed pulling Katniss away as the wave came closer to where we were resting. Watching as the wave came to a halt as it was absorbed we all looked at each other in confusion? Waves had been used to wipe out tributes before but this one didn't really seem to have done any damage. Looking around nothing seemed out of the ordinary but the three figures emerging from the edge of the jungle infront of us had everyone ready for a fight but if they could have fought they sure as hell didn't look like it. Limping one of the is being held up whilst the third doesn't seem to have any clear direction of where they are going. "Fin nick" i call gaining his attention. "I think that's Wiress" i said straining my eyes to get a closer look but the fact that they are coated head to toe in red doesn't make it any easier.

"are you sure?" He asks also trying to gain a more detailed look but when he does his face lights up. "It's Joanna" he beams running forwards.

"Joanna!" I shout following him forwards faster than i had ever ran in my life. Heart beating fast all i had wanted was to know what had happened to her when we had left the podium and now i knew.

"Finnick? Chloe?" She shouts back running towards us with he other two somewhat traipsing in her steps. Throwing her arms around booth me and Finnick the smell of blood filled my nostrils .

"What happened?" I asked pulling back and looking behined her to see Beete sprawled out on his back. Walking past i knelt down besides him as he muttered something unintelligible. Trying to get him to sit up he was coated in the same stuff that Johanna was.

"We thought it was rain and we were all so thirsty. But as we got closer it got thicker and we realised it was blood. It stopped us from seeing and that's when Blight hit the forcefield" So that's who the cannon had been for.

" I'm sorry Joanna " Finnick said still holding her arm showing some affection for her and if i was honest a pang of jealousy spread through my body but shaking it away i turned back to Beetee who has slipped further into unconsciousness

"Tick took tick tock' Wiress repeated over and over again.

"Yes tick tock nuts is in shock" Jo snapped at the women who had clearly lost her mind during her games and who could really blame her? Those who had kept their minds were the sadistic ones, the ones that had enjoyed all the murder and the glory that came with it. They were the inhumane ones. This wasn't fair but then again what was fair nowadays. Zoning out as Katniss and Jo got into an argument the fact that i had hardly any food since i got in here was starting to effect me a long with the lack of sleep. Not moving as Peeta picked up Beetee to take him to the water my mind started to drift of to places that i hadn't visited in a while. Looking over at them all socialising by the water hatred burned inside of me, i'd Tried to like her, tried to do it differently, i'd Made promises but now i just wanted her dead. Standing up i gripped the knife in my hand tightly that i knew that if i'd Been holding it the other way it would have severed my hand. Walking towards the water I hadn't seen Finnick come up behined me until he had snatched the knife from my hand and thrown it to the ground. "What are you doing!" I hissed

"What are you doing?" He hissed back trying not to get inside my head

"I'm going to kill her" I said like it was obvious. "It's what they want" raising my voice slightly I pointed up at the sky as a direct attack on the captiol. "She's the reason we are in here Finn, she's the reason Cato is dead and she is the reason that our friends are dying!"

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