Angel with a shotgun

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Looking in the mirror I pondered over the costs of what I was about to do, I was about to publicly declare that I was a traitor to the only people that had ever treated me like family, who tried to save the girl who had come out of that arena. There would be no coming back from this. I still hadn't seen Peeta yet, Snow had thought it best if we our reunion today just before we went on.

" You've got this" Coming up behind me Cato had dressed up for the event even if he wouldn't be on camera and no one but myself would see him here. He shouldn't even be here!

" I'm about to declare myself an enemy to everyone who wants change, when they come and they will. I'll be one of the first ones hunted down" He knew it was true but he was still determined that we were going to win this.

" That wont happen"

" For all our sakes I hope not" Pulling away from him all the pressure was one me. Snow would be watching my every move, trying to find something he could penalise me for and then punish me. Hearing a knock on my door my attendant was ready for me to follow him to the interview. Looking back at Cato he gave me a silent knod and let me leave. Following the man who had ivory white skin with swirls of gree paint tattooed in odd patterns everyone's eyes were on me. Many didn't know that I was here and now they were finding out some of the secrets that Snow kept were far more dangerous than they could ever imagine.

" Chloe!" Strike me down where i stand for the love of God.

"Caesar" Holding my arms open for his embrace he, as usual, took it too far and held on for way too long.

" So good to see you, truly stunning. Nothing new there though" Booping me on the nose I wondered if he had forgotten he was talking to a professional killer with a taste for blood. " Well I must be going, the stage calls. I will see you momentarily" Dissapearing behind a curtain that man had a serious problem. Shaking the encounter off there was only one person that i cared about right now , only one that I wanted to protect.

"Chloe?" Turning my head Peeta was stood looking at me with confusion and disbelief, they clearly hadn't told him that I was going to be here, or that I was even here at all. Without thinking twice i ran for him, latching on tightly which thankfully he return. " You're here?" He mumbled into my hair

" I'm here"

" Who else?"

" Johanna and Annie. The rest got away" Sighing heavily i could sense the relief in the release of tension. " Peeta we're going to be okay but you have to do what they say, I promise I'm going to get you out of here okay?" Nodding into my shoulder we pulled away as the announcement that they were ready for us blasted out through the back and it was in that moment that it occurred to me that we were waiting where we had waited for our interviews as tribute. The poetic irony. Taking his hand in mine I was going to stay by his side until the bitter end, no matter they did to us, no matter what they did to everyone I was never going to leave him.

"Hello" Flickerman said speaking directly to the camera. "Good evening and a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Caesar Flickerman. And whenever you are, whatever you're doing, if you're working, put it down. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight" They sure were, every single person was going to be gunning for our knocks within moments. " There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject for us are two very special guests. Please welcome Peeta Mellark and Chloe Monroe" Squeezing each other's hand tightly Peeta lead us both onto the stage where we took. Our seats looking poised and composed but whilst the backstage area hadn't changed the stage I was so familiar with looked like a room in Snows mansion. " Welcome, to you both. Now, Peetas, Chloe a lot of people feel like they are in the dark". Yeah tell me about it.

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