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This was not happening. If I closed my eyes all this would be a dream and I would be back in that arena when I opened them again. Squeezing my eyes shut so tight that I eventually began to see colours I opened them fully expecting to be sat in that arena with Finnick skinning some fish, Katniss tending after Peeta and Beetee still figuring out his plan to electrocute the others but that wasn't the case. Breathing heavily it took everything I had within me to not start screaming bloody murder.

"In the arena?"

"That was me" He answered piercing my soul with his ice blue eyes that sent my blood running cold. Of course it was.

"How? " Demanding to know he refused to give me the answers I wanted so desperately. Yanking at the restraints on my wrist I winced at the pain they caused, I guess they were here more for his protection than mine because god knew I was going to rip his throat out as soon as I was free. "Fine! Don't tell me then" Lying back on the table I knew that me showing that I didn't care would wind him up even more. "I don't perticulaly care if i'm honest" Closing my eyes I heard him huff with impatience.

"You are impossible"

"Say's the guy that has risen from the dead" Opening one eye to glare at him he narrowed his in response. After a few more huffs and sighs I heard the straps buckle fall off the table and my wrist felt lighter. Sitting up he had actually let me go from the restraints which set me on edge slightly. Did he trusr me that much or did he no longer see me as a threat? "You left me"

"I didn't want to"

"But you did" There was more venom in my voice than i had ever heard before and if i was honest it worried me. Right now i didn't know what i was capable of and i wasn't sure i wanted to find out. Taking a step towards me he went to grab my hand but i brought it up to meet his face instead. Falling back there was hell in his eyes but he wouldn't do anything not right now anyway. Gritting his teeth he placed a pile of clothes on the bed.

2Get dressed. President Snow wants to see you" He said before leaving me alone.

Walking through the corridors i had peacekeepers on either side of me, both loaded with weapons. The tribute in me remebered every turn we took, every staircase we climbed. I noticed that they took me in circles and backtracked to try and throw me off but they should have known that someone like me could never be fooled by something as mediocre as that. Eventually coming to a white door i knew exaclty who was on the other side and without knocking the door was opened and i was pushed in. It stank. The scent of white roses drenched in blood was so potent that it made me want to throw up.

"Hello Chloe" Immediatly tensing up everything in me screamed for an attack but i remained rigid. "Please, sit. We have a lot to discuss" Motioning for me to sit in the chair directly opposite him i sat in it hesitantly, keeping my eyes on the ground until he made the peace keepers leave and Cato walked in. Taking a seat in the corner of the room I could feel his eyes piercing at me. "You've caused a lot of problems" He said pulling my attention back towards him.

"Have I ? Now that is a shame" Watching as a small smile pulled at the left corner of his lip.

"Yes. Thankfully they are nothing that I cannot help you solve"

"I don't want your help and I wont help you so you may as well kill me now"

"Chloe!" Cato said my name sternly as a way to keep me in check but it just made me angrier. Galring at him out of the corner of my eye he sighed loudly to which Snow chuckled sinerstley. Turning my attention back towards him he was typing away at the computer in front of him.

"Maybe you'll change your mind when I show you this" Turning the computer towards me it took a few moments for me to realise what it was that he was showing me. On the screen was a darkened room with a women tied up inside. Annie! Gripping the arms of the chair tightly I could feel my nails slicing through the velvet. "Good. I can see that I now have your attention" Unable to take my yes away from the screen I wanted to go and get her and take her home so that she would be safe and away from all of this.

"What do you want from me?" I asked much to his pleasure.

" Look at the progress we are making. I want you to call of any rebellions that are stirring" Well that was quick to the point

"I haven't started any rebellions." Arguing back I already knew that if I said anything no one would belive it, hell, it would probably start something deeper within the people of Panem. Crossing my eyes over to the screen I noticed someone had come into the room and that they were lurking in the corner.

"Maybe not, but you do represent something that rebellions need. You have strength" Was that somewhat of a compliment? "I never said it to you but I admired what you had done during your games, the way you controlled the entire situation, remarkable really" Standing up he walked over to the window and was watching whatever was happening out there. "But with that control you proved to me that you were a danger" Turning back to face me I immediately sat up more rigid than I had been before, the way his eyes were glaring at me but holding no malicious intent was unnerving for a man like him. "So I had to break you, make you weak so you were no longer a threat. Believe me Chloe I truly am sorry that it had to come down to you and your Brother but it was the only way I could think of to do it" The more he spoke the more enraged I was becoming. He had ensured that me and my Brother had been entered to punish Finnick for not bending to his every whim, and he had ensured that the last two tributes standing were me and my brother to punish me. "But once again you took control of the situation and came out on top, your appearance was one of resilience and embodied strength. The people loved you, they wanted to be you"

"Your people!" I snapped. Mine had wanted nothing to do with me when I returned, they said I had changed beyond recognition and that I as no longer the same, sweet girl who had left them but how the hell could I have been? I had been forced to fight for my life and kill my own brother. How was I supposed to stay the same? "Your people loved me, mine wished I had never come back" It pained me to say but it was true.

"Technicalities" He said waving his hand to dismiss what I had said. "So their love for you gave me another idea. If I could pair you with someone who would be equally as loved, who they would cheer for and who would do what the Capitol required then maybe you could finally be controlled" Glancing at Cato I couldn't help but smile.

"And that worked out how well for you?" Smirking anger flashed over his eyes for a brief second.

"Yes, well, circumstances changed but things have worked out because I now know what I need to do to get you to do what I require of you" He said smirking at me with his powered lips before raising a black box to his mouth and muttering something into it. Raising an eyebrow screaming tore my attention away only seconds later. Eyes fixed to the screen the man who had come into the room that Annie was in was now stood in front of her as she huddled in the corner, screaming.

"Annie!" Screaming her name I knew it was useless because she couldn't hear me but I just needed to do it. Gripping at the table the man was holding something in his hand and only with closer inspection could I see that it was a decapitated head, the head of Finnick. "STOP!" Screaming at Snow his smirk grew wider as the man gripped onto Annie's hair and forced her to look at the severed head but I knew that wasn't Finn, they wouldn't kill him yet, he was far too loved to just be disposed of like that.

"Just say the words Chloe and she'll be left alone" He said holding the box to his mouth once more. Looking at the screen horrified this would kill me to bend down to him but this was Annie and what was happening to her would kill her quicker. "You have about 10 seconds before they inject her with a certain hallucigenic which will make everyone she's ever cared about appear before her dead" He was a sick fuck, that much was true but I knew that he meant what he was saying. "Times ticking Chloe" Watching as the man pulled out a needle from his pocket Annie's screams grew louder until I couldn't take it anymore. Slamming my hands on the table I looked over at him.

"Enough! I'll do what you want just leave her alone" Begging for it to stop he muttered something else and the man immediately stood up and walked away. A flood of relief took over and I slumped back into the chair.

"I'm glad about that. See, I knew you could be controlled you just needed the right trigger" Pulling the screen back towards him I saw it go blank and could only hope that Annie would no longer be tormented and tortured.

"Finnick" Saying his name hurt but I needed to know. Looking at me for a few seconds his straightened body language and tensity in his hands told me everything I needed to4 know

"Alive....for now."

"How would you know? You don't have him" Calling him out I could see it in his eyes that he was trying to figure me out but he never would, not unless I wanted him too.

"I assure you Miss Monroe Finnick is here" The flicker in his eye that caused him to look slightly left was the giveaway this time.

"No he isn't" Folding my arms I had him cornered. "If he was you would have used him to bait me. The head was just to push me. You thought that if I thought he was dead it would break me down, make me weaker. You used Annie because you have no one else that I truly care about. She's not the most effective person but she was all that you had as a weapon to use against me. Am I wrong?" His lips tightened into a thin, flaky line and his brows furrowed. " A tip for the future President Snow, if you want control you need to always be the smartest person in the room" Getting up from my chair I didn't wait for a dismissal and instead walked out the door without looking back

The decent into hell is easy( Finnick Odair)Where stories live. Discover now