Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl Chapter 2

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"And now, let's welcome the basketball team!" a voice bellowed through the auditorium.

Reina shivered and tip-toed. It was a sports rally at school, and she was determined to keep standing through the whole thing, like the rest of the students. At the school year's opening ceremony, she was allowed to sit on a chair in the back. That's when the talk of her being a "princess" started. At least she suspected that. But she was stronger now. This time she was with her classmates in the midst of it, school spirit rising...

"This year, we've ensembled a great team! So I will say it, although it's embarrassing: Sky is the limit! Let's go to the finals!" the basketball team captain was talking through the mic.

What's with this school. There are too many teams. Reina shifted her weight from one hurting leg to the other. And they all say the exact same thing. She remembered her brother in high school years, a member of the track team and crazy about it. She used to envy him a lot. Now she felt detached. She knew sports clubs weren't for someone like her, and she didn't even know anyone on the teams.

Yeah, my championship is to stand through this whole thing. The stakes are high. Fighting, Reina, fighting! She looked around to see what others were doing and realized she wasn't the only one that was bored. There were only a few exceptions. Beneath the stage, she saw her senpai from the newspaper club excitedly taking photos of every team and scribbling down on his notepad. She thought she should've asked to tag along. It was better than just standing here, even if it was photographing standing people.

Striving for a full high-school experience, Reina decided to join a club. She had been into photography for a few years now. Taking pictures seemed the most suitable hobby for her restricted lifestyle. It was one of the few things from her old life that she continued willingly.

Now, however, she wanted to photograph something more exciting than clouds outside her window. As there was no photography club at school, she decided to go with the newspaper. Senpai told her to come up with a subject for an article, and maybe, they would publish it.

She looked around the rows of people to find some inspiration. Turning her head back to the second-years, she spotted Kobayashi-senpai, a tall and handsome boy who once smiled at her in the corridor. Miyako said he was a womanizer, and Reina attracted his attention only because she lived abroad. But she might have been just jealous.

Besides, isn't it the most dreamy, manga-like scenario to take a popular guy and make him fall for you? She looked at him longingly. He was listening to a whisper of a guy behind him and laughing quietly. Then, suddenly, he looked up straight at her. Reina turned away so fast that she almost stumbled. Red in the face, she tried to focus on the stage.

"We're excited about this year. We've got some great newcomers," yet another captain was talking. Reina looked at the team members and noticed Kageyama standing among them. He seemed the least nervous among the first-years, bored almost. Well, at least he isn't asleep. I wonder what sport it is?

"We hope to regain the glory of the Karasuno volleyball team and take it to nationals one more time! Please cheer us on." The captain finished his speech. The team exited the stage accompanied by moderate applause.

Volleyball makes sense. He is tall, Reina thought, as Kageyama passed her by returning to his place in the row. He gave her a curious look, and she wondered if he sensed she was thinking about him.

After three more clubs, the rally finally finished. Reina spilled with other students out of the gym. Exhausted, she rested on the nearest window sill, letting the crowd pass her by. Somehow she managed the challenge. Gold for Reina Takenaka!

"Are you ok?"

She looked up to see Kageyama leaning over her with concern.

"What? Um... Yes, thank you. I mean, I'm fine, thank you."

"Are you sure? I saw you stumbled earlier. Do you need to go to the infirmary?" he asked with a serious face.

"No, I'm fine. I just need to rest a little bit," Reina said, slightly annoyed. Are they going to rush me to the infirmary all my life? And here she was, rejoicing being like other kids. She did scare the guy last time, but still...

Kageyama was looking at her unconvinced. "Wait here," he said and rushed away through the crowd before she could say anything. He was back with a bottle of cold water a moment later.

"Drink this. Maybe it'll help," he said.

She could only thank him and take the water. It did help. But Kagayama wouldn't leave her alone. He kept standing next to her and looking out the window.

"So, you're on the volleyball team, right?" she asked to break the silence.


"Tournament season starts soon. Are you excited to play?"

He looked at her like he didn't know how to answer. She remembered that first-years rarely played in matches.

"I mean... Do you think you've got a chance to play? You seemed like one of the tallest out there, and isn't it important in volleyball..."

"I'm a starting player," he said shortly.

"Um.. good for you. Sorry, I don't know much about sports. Is the team as good as your captain said?"

"Karasuno went to nationals before. And we are planning to go for it this year too."

For the first time, she saw a sparkle of excitement in Kageyama's eyes.

"It must be fun. Playing sports," she said

"You don't?"

"I can't. But now that I'm in high school, I guess it would be nice to see a tournament live. I'm in the school newspaper now. I mean, I just take pictures. Maybe, if I come to your match and take some, they will publish it. When does the competition start? You think I could come?" She kept mumbling nervously about anything that came to her mind. She still didn't know how to talk to boys.

"In one week. Anyone can come to watch it. But it might be on a school day, during class."

"Well, I'll ask my senpai." She looked around. The corridor was almost empty now. "I think we should hurry back to class."

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the infirmary?" he asked once more.

"I'm fine." She must have really scared him last time. That's why he's been looking out for her. She walked vigorously back to class with him to make a healthier impression.

When she sat at her desk, she realized that in this awkward mess, she had sort of committed to going to see a match. Although she doubted that Kageyama cared if she came or not. But it wasn't a bad idea. Getting involved in sports wasn't on her bucket list, but it was a part of high-school life. At least according to manga. So she might as well try it. It might be fun.

Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl -  a fanfic love story featuring Tobio KageyamaWhere stories live. Discover now