Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl Chapter 9

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Reina yawned, changed her shoes, and dragged herself to the classroom.

Yesterday she became Kageyama's girlfriend. She was bouncing between euphoria and despair all night long, unable to figure out how to act now. All that she hoped dating would be didn't apply here. There was no chance in the world that they would hang out together after school or go on weekend dates because Kageyama didn't care to spend time with her, no doubt about it. He said that to her face. She was glad that she didn't expose how much she cared and how much she liked him.

But she wanted to spend more time with Kageyama... So after hours of thinking, she decided to write to him.

"Hi, I was just wondering if you want to eat lunch together from now on."

She sent it with a pounding heart, and only then did she realize it was after midnight already. What was even more dreadful, she was still awake when he wrote her back around 5 a.m. Of course, he responded only with a short "Ok."

Now, she was strolling through the school half-dead. I wonder if he's in yet? And how should I greet him anyway? Suddenly, she noticed that there was more whispering around her than usual. Am I paranoid, or do people already know? But how? Great, now we will have additional eyes on us. As if it wasn't awkward already.

Hesitantly, she entered the classroom. Kageyama was already in. He was sleeping on his desk after morning practice, as usual.

Eri waved to her, so she hurried that way.

"Is it just me, or does everyone already know?" Reina told her friend everything yesterday after school, seeking advice.

"Well, I haven't told anyone. But those things seem to spread mysteriously. Or maybe, you're just imagining it."

"Reina-chan, Reina-chan." Miyako and Sawako came over to them.

"Is that true? Are you and Kageyama dating?" Miyako asked in an excited whisper.

"Well, yes," she said, blushing. So people did find out somehow. There was nothing left but to confirm it.

"Incredible! Such an odd pairing." Sawako said.

"I knew something was up. You talked with him so often," she added.

"Yes, come to think of it, you stared in his direction a lot," Miyako said.

"What? You must have imagined..." Reina laughed nervously. Although, there was no sense in denying that now.

"But why didn't you say you like him earlier? We could have helped."

Reina didn't know how to respond. They were surprisingly supportive. She expected that they would tease her instead.

"I guess it's difficult to admit you like someone." She said, covering her red face with her hands. She glanced at Kageyama. Good, he was still dozing off.

"I'll be cheering for you two," Miyako said. "But tell us more! How did it happen? Who confessed first?"

"Kobayashi-senpai will probably stop chasing after you now. l I heard that girls that are already taken are out of bounds for him. Apparently, he once tried to pick up someone with a scary boyfriend. It didn't end well," Eri said to change the subject. Reina was grateful.

"Oh, how do you know?" Sawako took the bait.

"I just know someone who knows him... It's just something that I heard." Eri admitted unwillingly.

Soon, the bell sounded.

Reina looked at Kageyama. He woke up and was looking back at her. She averted her eyes and started blushing again. But why, though? He was her boyfriend now, so why should she look away? She forced herself to look back at him. He was now looking all around, but soon he met her gaze and was staring back, looking more and more puzzled. Reina put a hand over her mouth to hide a giggle. It was so silly but fun as well. She realized that now no one could deny her right to stare at Kageyama. She kept doing that randomly throughout the morning.

Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl -  a fanfic love story featuring Tobio KageyamaWhere stories live. Discover now