Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl. Chapter 19

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Reina stepped off the bus and took a deep breath. The summer was hot. It was nice to feel the sea breeze on her face.

"It's the sea, it's the sea! Kageyama! Let's chase to the water," Hinata was shouting behind her. Without a second of hesitation, they both run by her with a loud "Aaaaaaaa!"

Reina looked back to see Yachi, other members of the volleyball team, as well as their alumni looking with excitement at the view. The whole trip was just a fun event to let go a bit after their loss to Dateko in the Inter-High finals. For Reina, who tagged along, it was a major event.

It was one of her dreams to go with a special someone to a day at the beach: play around in the water, feed each other treats from local stalls, make romantic messages in the sand, go on an iconic walk in the sunset. This was her chance to experience all that for the first time...

Yeah. Right. As if...

She looked at Kageyama. They haven't even set up their place yet, and he already went to call dibs on the court for beach volleyball.

Not that she didn't enjoy herself. She had her camera, so she spent a lot of time taking pictures. And now, she was sitting with Yachi at their camp, enjoying the view of the court and the sea. The guys were playing without a break, rotating a lot. But somehow at least a few of them were hanging around where she, Hitooka, and Shimizu-senpai were, scowling at any passing guy that even looked their way. This was all very flattering and ridiculous at the same time. Reina sensed, however, a tiny bit of disappointment from the Karasuno guys over the fact that she wouldn't take off her cropped t-shirt at all times, Shimizu-senpai wore a pareo, and Hitooka, well, looked just as cute in her swimsuit as she always did.

Reina heard a buzz from her phone. She looked at it.

"Eri sent me a message. She says that she wishes she was with us now, and Tokyo has extremely hot weather," she said to Yachi.

"She went to Tokyo?!"

"Yes, she had a deal for a photo shoot. She said it's her chance to shine. Miyako and Sawako went on a trip abroad with their families. They wrote me they wanted to meet up too."

"Aww... Don't you miss your friends? Now that you are in an advanced class, you don't have a chance to hang out that much." Yachi asked.

"It's ok. We meet when we can. We would more, if not for my robotics. I'm glad that at least I'm with you in class now," Reina said and smiled at her.

"And you're doing well too. I'm surprised that your parents didn't push you to go for an advanced course from the beginning. Aren't they both acclaimed scholars?"

"Well, you know... My parents were always like, 'we're just glad that you're alive and well, so you can do whatever you want.' "

"Reina-chan, you went through so much... I can't even imagine..." Yachi teared up.

"It's ok. It all worked out in the end."

"It's nice to take a break like this." Yachi stretched her arms and breathed in. "Although, if we won the qualifiers, we would be at nationals right now," she added regretfully.

"That match was epic, though. Kageyama was upset about the loss, but after thinking for a while, he was glad that he had a chance to play against them."

"And how's the robotics competition? You passed the first round, right?"

"Yeah, we managed somehow. But I don't know how much longer we can hang onto it. Programming's tough. For the first time in a long time, I feel I'm learning something new. I started it on a whim, but it's actually fun. Building robots."

Haikyuu!! Tobio's Girl -  a fanfic love story featuring Tobio KageyamaWhere stories live. Discover now