Chapter 22

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Bella POV's


Vision blur, abnormal pains, everything was happening fast, Alice was trying to help deliver the baby.

I was trying to tell Alice that the baby was suffocating, and they were dying.

Alice was getting morphine and was on the phone with Jasper, which Carlisle was saying that the placenta must have detached.

Alice was telling me that Carlisle was coming as fast as he could to help deliver the baby.

Alice couldn't wait for the morphine to pass through my body because I kept screaming that the baby was dying.

She got the scalpel blade and sliced my stomach open for she does a c-section on me to try to get the baby out of me very fast.

Alice was trying to tell me to stay focused and calm down for I don't put the baby in anymore stress.

But I can't telling her that the baby is still suffocating.

She bites down on my stomach to get the baby out of me.

I was going in and out of consciousness while Alice was working hard to deliver the baby.

She manages to get the first baby out of me, I could hear the beautiful cry of the baby she said that it was Xavier then she wraps him in a blanket and lay him down on the baby bed.

Next, Alice said that it is another baby inside of me, I was shocked, but she was able to deliver it and was a baby girl which decided to named are Adalaide I say that they are beautiful.

All suddenly I felt myself slowly sip away and fully lost consciousness.

Time skip

Hot, hot, why is my heart so hot. Why my body feel so warm it was totally unbelievable what this warmth is. Feeling very uncomfortable right now. I can't this suddenly pain no more I want it gone. Why I feeling like when I first was attack at La Push beach before Carlisle found me.

I suddenly seen my life flash before my eyes flashback of my childhood, moving to Forks to live with my dad, meeting Edward for the first time, meeting the Cullens, the Cullens leaving, Carlisle finding me, getting married, my honeymoon, getting pregnant, and having the twin my heart finally stopped beating.

I opened my eyes and was amazing by all my new senses that I developed now that I'm a vampire. I can see the little things like the dust particles that fall down in the air, I can look at the ceiling and see an eight-color light aka uv light, I can hear the water stream that are five miles away, I'm not the clumsy and fragile human that I used to be.

While looking around my eye stopped at my husband Carlisle who was looking at me with shock in his eyes.

He pulls me into a hug which I was a little startled by, but after getting over my shock I hug him back tightly.

I let go of the hug and ask Carlisle about the kids he was telling how amazing they are how he can't wait for I can meet them but first I have to go on my first hunt as a newborn vampire.

While Carlisle was teaching me how to hunt for animal blood there was a shift in the wind, when I got a whiff of human blood nearby climbing up the mountain.

Something inside me told me to go after the smell and feed on the fresh, warm human blood.

While I am running toward the human, I sense that Carlisle was right behind me but right now I honestly don't care because I am craving blood and that human smells pretty delicious right about now.

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