Chapter 23

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Bella POV

Five months later

The twins are now 3'7 I honestly can't believe that it only been is six months since they was born. They grow so fast I blink my eyes they are almost pre-teen. Twins and I decide that it is time for them to start learning how to hunt for blood. It is currently winter time so it snowing as we speak. the twins really like to play in the snow and catching snowflakes that fall down from the sky.

While in the middle of hunting I sense that somebody is watching us, so I look up toward the mountain when it looks like one of our relatives from the Alaska vampire clan. So I ran to try to talk to her but it was too late she was already long gone. I decided it was a great time to head back to the house and tell the Cullens what I saw while I was out hunting with the twins.

Once we were back to the house I told the twins to go up to there rooms and play for awhile. I went to the living rooms where the Cullens was located I started telling them what I saw when I was out hunting they it might been Irina from Alaska and she think the twins are immortal children which is a big no-no in the vampire world.

Carlisle call the Alaska clan to see if Irina came back to Alaska but they said that she haven't came back yet. I started to worry about the twins because I hope that she don't think that they are immortal children when they are not, because the Volturi will come and kill the twins due them not able to control their thirst for blood (This is how the Volturi think).

Suddenly, I felt a calming sensation going to my body and I look at Jasper and silently thank him for that. I'm keeping a positive attitude toward the current situation at hand. I want up to the play room where the twins is currently playing at.  I decided that I going to spend as much time with the twins as much as possible just in cased that the Volturi planned on doing something if Irina went to the Volturi.

Just watching the twins play and live a carefree life is something that I want them to maintain that carefree life that they have now. No matter what happens in the future I will make sure that they will live a life full of love and joy at all times.

Couple of days later

Me and the Cullens were all hanging out in the living room the twins were playing with the piano, Carlisle was reading a book, Alice and Jasper were sitting together on the couch and I was standing at the next to the piano watching the twins play what they had learned. 

All of a suddenly Alice started having a vision and once the vision was over Alice looked at Jasper then at the twins and started telling us that she just had a vision that the Volturi is coming to Forks and that we need gather a whole bunch of witnesses to proved that the twins was really hybrid children and not immortal children.

When she said this I move closer to the twins and feel my heart down because Irina didn't let us get a chance to explain the twins to her. After a while Alice and Jasper suddenly disappear and it was just me, Carlisle, and the twins.

A couple of months later

Me and Carlisle was trying to gather as many witnesses as possible before the Volturi come since we got a little time left since they are not coming until the snow is sticky to the ground anyways. so far we have a little over 100 witnesses, we started with going to Alaska first where Irina family lives at to convince them that the twins are not immortal children.

I remember that Alice left a note with a message for I can only understand which was told to go meet up with some person named J.Jenks. I drove out to Port Angeles to meet with J. Jenks at 929 Woodfired Grill where give me stuff that Alice and Jasper request that I have asked for. While looking at the information J. Jenks gave me I noticed that I only see two passports just for the twins and me and Carlisle don't have a passport, which I ask J. Jenks there are only two passports and he said that what Alice and Jasper give to make.

After leaving J. Jekins I was driving back home thinking that I won't be able to finished watching the twins grow to be teenagers, if the Volturi decide to kill us all. I just hope Alice and Jasper find a way to save us all.

Third Person POV

She was on her way to Folks, Washington from Denali, Alaska to makes amends with the Cullens family after not coming to Carlisle and Bella wedding. On her way to the Cullens residence, she was on the mountains near the Cullens when she noticed something not so unusual to her. She saw Bella with two children and they look like immortal children to me and I know that the Volturi is not going to take kindly to hear about the Cullens is making immortal children. Because I remember when the Volturi came and kill my mom and brother after they found out that my mom made an immortal child and it kill a whole village of people.

So I know that I have to go to the Volturi and report this crime that the Cullens had done. All of sudden Bella spotted me and I started running away to get to the Volturi before Bella could get to me.

Three days later

She finally made it to Volterra, Italy. She started her journey to where the Volturi lived at. Once she had made it to the Volturi. She walked up to the reception desk and ask can she speak with the Volturi.

When she reached the door to the Volturi the guard open the door and led her toward where the Volturi was working at a table. Once in front of the Volturi, she said "I'm here to report a crime" that was when Aro the leader of the Volturi came up to her ask for her hand. After Aro finished with her hand he said " Oh no, we can't have that now, can we? I think we need to make a special visit to see the Cullens".

The Volturi took her to a room for her to stay at until it is time to go visit the Cullens. She is glad that the Volturi is planning on handling the Cullens for the crime that they commit. Now thinking about it I think I should have gone to the Cullens first and let them explain themselves about the two children before coming to the Volturi all well I guess I'm still bitter about what had happened to my mate Laurent.

We will see what will happen when the Volturi make their trip to Forks to visit the Cullens. The Volturi told her that they are planning to make the trip when the snow start to stick to the ground.

As time goes on the Volturi was gathering witnesses and slowly was making their way to Forks. They were getting info that the Cullens were getting witnesses to try to take down the Volturi.

Now it is about time that we make a grand appearance to the Cullens. Let hope the Cullens get a shock of a lifetime and pay for all of the pain that they caused me.

Author Note

Two more chapters to go

What will happen when the Volturi and the Cullens

Will, there be any survivors or will they all end up died

Stay tuned to see what happens next.

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