chapter 16

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Bella pov

So while me and Carlisle was talking, Carlisle kissed me and thing got heated and Carlisle pulled away from me and I just pouted and he kiss me again. After awhile Alice and Jasper came home, Alice pull me away from Carlisle for we can finish planning the wedding. So while plan the wedding Alice ask me what the date for the wedding and I said February 22. Then Alice ask me who going to be the bride maid and I said it going to be her and she got so exited and she given me a bone crushed hug. I told Alice thank you and I can't breathe and she let go of me,and told me sorry. Once we were finish with the wedding planning me and Alice went and got the stuff we needed for the wedding. While getting the stuff for the wedding Alice had a visions, once she got out of the visions she looked worried and i ask Alice what the visions was about she said it was about Edward and he trying to crash the wedding. I said let go back to the house and tell Carlisle what is going to happen.

Carlisle pov

So while the girls went shopping,me and Jasper went for a hunt. I had two deer and a bear and Jasper had a elk and mountain lion. After a while me and Jasper went back to the house, then the girls came back looking worried about something and i ask what happen and Alice said the Edward coming to crash the wedding. When I heard Edward name I got mad and walk right out if the house and into the woods. I started thinking ways that I can hurt Edward if he come anywhere near Bella. Then I started hearing noise in the wood and I looked around to see Jasper can't looking for me, ask me why did I walk out of the house like that? And Bella is crying cause I walk out of the house and not telling her where I was going? I told Jasper that I needed to calm down for a while and I was about to come back now, Jasper just said OK come on Bella is worried about you right now.

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